Invoice declaration, proof of origin and statement on origin
On this page you will learn to recognise a declaration of origin on an invoice or any other commercial document.
A declaration of origin can be any of the following:
- Invoice declaration;
- Invoice declaration EUR-MED;
- Declaration of origin;
- Declaration of origin EUR-MED;
- Statement of origin.
The declaration consists of a specific wording that is specified trade agreement. The exporter should add this wording on an invoice or any other commercial document. Thus, it is not necessary to contact Swedish Customs or a Chamber of Commerce to request a commodity certificate. The exporter is required to prove to the customs authority that the criteria for the declaration have been met.
Necessary supporting documents for certificates of origin.
Authorisation or registration is required
To make out a declaration of origin you either need to be authorised or registered by Swedish Customs. Consignments where the value of the originating goods does not exceed EUR 6,000 are exempt. In such cases, the exporter does not need authorisation or registration to issue a declaration of origin.
Find out more and apply to become a registered exporter (REX).
Declarations of origin are only used for trade with specific countries
When exporting originating goods to certain countries, a declaration of origin is the only valid proof of origin. For example, this applies to the agreements with the United Kingdom and South Korea.
Thus, these agreements do not allow the use of a certificate of origin that has been stamped by Swedish Customs. The only way to issue proof of origin to these countries for consignments worth more than EUR 6,000 is to apply to become a registered exporter (REX), or approved exporter respectively.
Find out what certificates of origin are used in the free trade agreement, and whether to register or apply for authorisation, by clicking to the relevant country from the page Country- and region-specific provisions.
Considerations when making out an invoice declaration or a declaration of origin.
An invoice declaration, declaration of origin, invoice declaration EUR-MED an declaration of origin EUR-MED should be written, printed or stamped on an export invoice, shipping bill or any other commercial document.
It is important to use an established wording for your declaration. This wording is available in several languages and may not be the same for all free trade agreements. The declaration should be written in the same language as the invoice or document. Please note that the addendum about cumulation drawbacks in invoice declaration EUR-MED always must be written in English.
Products included in the declaration must be described in sufficient detail in the document so as to identify them.
The country of origin should be indicated in the corresponding field in the declaration (see example below).
It is important to clearly indicate goods items not included in the declaration. Official abbreviations, known as ISO Country Codes, may be used instead of the names of the countries. The ISO code for the European Union is EU. You may also use CE. Please avoid using the EG and EC codes, which are permitted, but may be interpreted as Egypt and Ecuador respectively.
If the invoice refers to goods that are not included in the declaration, please indicate the goods items that are not included in the declaration and make a reference about their origin in conjunction with the declaration. For example: "The declaration above does not cover the items marked NON". Please note that you may not change the wording in the actual declaration.
When trading with goods within the Pan-Euro-Med area, goods originating in these countries are included. If it is necessary to enter various origin designations, please enter the origin that applies to the corresponding goods item. In these cases, do not enter any origin designation in your invoice declaration or invoice declaration EUR-MED. Please refer instead to the origin designations by each goods item. Official abbreviations, known as ISO Country Codes, may be used instead of the names of the countries. The supplementary information to enter in invoice declaration EUR-MED should also be entered by each individual goods item.
If you submitted a specific contingent liability in your application to become an approved exporter, you are not required to sign the declaration.
Example of wordings for declarations of origin
Declarations of origin in accordance with the PEM Convention
En fakturadeklaration eller ursprungsdeklaration har i de flesta frihandelsavtal följande lydelse:
Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd nr........ ) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ursprung i..............
Ort och datum
Exportörens underskrift och namnförtydligande
The exporter of the products covered by this document (Customs Authorization No........) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of ...........preferential origin.
Place and date
Signature of the exporter, in addition the name of the person signing the declaration has to be indicated in clear script
- If you hold an authorisation, you must enter your authorisation number in the first parenthesis. This applies regardless of the value of the originating goods. It is important to enter the authorisations number in its full form.
- If you do not hold an authorisation, please omit the words in the first parenthesis. The declaration is only valid as long as the value of the originating goods do not exceed EUR 6,000.
- Write the origin of the goods on the other dotted line. If the goods originated in the EU, enter “EU” or “European Community”.
- Enter the place and date, if this is not indicated elsewhere in the document.
Invoice declaration or declaration of origin EUR-MED
The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorization No........) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of..........preferential origin
— cumulation applied with......
— no cumulation applied
Place and date
Signature of the exporter, in addition the name of the person signing the declaration has to be indicated in clear script
Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd nr........) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ursprung i ........
— cumulation applied with......(landets/ländernas namn)
— no cumulation applied
Ort och datum
Exportörens underskrift och namnförtydligande
- If you hold an authorisation, you must enter your authorisation number in the first parenthesis. This applies regardless of the value of the originating goods. It is important to enter the authorisations number in its full form.
- If you do not hold an authorisation, please omit the words in the first parenthesis. The declaration is only valid as long as the value of the originating goods do not exceed EUR 6,000.
- Write the origin of the goods on the other dotted line. If the goods originated in the EU enter “EU” or “European Community”.
- Information about drawbacks must be written in English.
- Enter information about drawbacks where applicable. Delete this segment if not.
- Enter the place and date, if this is not indicated elsewhere in the document.
Statement on origin according to the agreement with the United Kingdom
(Period: från___________ till __________ (1))
Exportören av de produkter som omfattas av detta dokument (Exportörens referensnummer ... (2)) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ... (3) ursprung.
(4) (Ort och datum)
(Exportörens namn)
(Period: from___________ to __________ (1))
The exporter of the products covered by this document (Exporter Reference No ... (2)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of ... (3) preferential origin.
(4) (Place and date)
(Name of the exporter)
- If a statement on origin is completed for several consignments of identical originating goods in accordance with article 56.4 (b) [Statement on origin], the period of validity of the statement on origin should be entered. This period may not exceed 12 months. If a period is not applicable, the field may be left blank.
- If you hold a REX number, you must enter it in the first parenthesis.
- If you do not hold a REX number, please omit the words in the first parenthesis. The proof of origin is only valid as long as the value of the originating goods do not exceed EUR 6,000.
- State your location and date, if this is not indicated elsewhere in the document.
- The statement on origin does not need to be signed.
- Write the origin of the goods on the other dotted line. If the goods originated in the EU, enter “EU”, “European Union”, or “the Union”.
Statement on origin according to the agreement with Japan
(Period: from …………… to …………(1))
The exporter of the products covered by this document (Exporter Reference No ……...(2)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of ...……… preferential origin(3).
(Origin criteria used(4))
(Place and date(5))
(Printed name of the exporter)
(1) Om ursprungsförsäkran fylls i för flera sändningar av identiska ursprungsprodukter ska du ange för vilken period som ursprungsförsäkran gäller.
(2) Rex-nummer.
(3) Ange produktens ursprung: Europeiska unionen, EU eller Japan.
(4) Ange ursprungskriterium enligt nedan.
(5) Ort och datum får utelämnas om informationen finns i själva dokumentet.
(Period: Från den …………… till den …………(1))
Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (exportörens referensnummer (2)) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ursprung i ........................ (3).
(Ursprungskriterier som använts (4))
(Plats och datum (5))
(Exportörens namn, med tryckbokstäver)
(1) Om ursprungsförsäkran fylls i för flera sändningar av identiska ursprungsprodukter ska du ange för vilken period som ursprungsförsäkran gäller.
(2) Rex-nummer.
(3) Ange produktens ursprung: Europeiska unionen, EU eller Japan.
(4) Ange ursprungskriterium enligt nedan.
(5) Ort och datum får utelämnas om informationen finns i själva dokumentet.
- The statement on origin does not need to be signed.
- Statements on origin issued in the EU that do not contain a REX number are only valid if the value of the originating goods do not exceed EUR 6,000.
- If your statement on origin comprises several items with differing origin criteria, you are required to specify the criterion/criteria that applies/apply to each individual article.
Origin criteria:
The exporter should state, in the declaration of origin, the origin criterion or criteria used by entering one or several of the following codes:
A Wholly obtained in accordance with Article 3.2.1 (a);
B Wholly obtained from materials originating in the export country (EU or Japan) in accordance with Article 3.2.1 (b);
C Products produced using non-originating materials in accordance with Article 3.2.1 (c), provided they satisfy all applicable requirements of Annex 3-B. The type of rule of origin applied to the product must be indicated:
- A change of classification based on the rate of customs duty (number substitution);
- The maximum value of non-originating materials or the lowest regional value content (value rule);
- Special production process;
- Provisions for certain vehicles and parts of vehicles in accordance with Annex 3-B1;
D Wholly or partially obtained from materials originating in the receiving country (Japan or the EU) in accordance with Article 3.5;
E The tolerance provision of article 3.6 has been applied.
Declaration of origin in accordance with the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement with Canada
(Period: from …………… to …………(1))
The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorisation No (2)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of (3) preferential origin.
(1) Om ursprungsdeklarationen fylls i för flera sändningar av identiska ursprungsprodukter ska du ange för vilken period som ursprungsdeklarationen gäller.
(2) Rex-nummer.
(3) Som ursprungsland kan Canada/EU, European Union, EU, Canada, CA och CAN anges.
- You are not required to sign the declaration of origin if you hold a REX number. A signature is also not required if the commercial document clearly states that you are the exporter.
- If you do not hold a REX number, please omit the words in the first parenthesis. The declaration is only valid as long as the value of the originating goods do not exceed EUR 6,000.
Declaration of origin in accordance with the EEA Free Trade Agreement
The exporter of the products covered by this document (Customs Authorization No........) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of EEA preferential origin.
Place and date
Signature of the exporter, in addition the name of the person signing the declaration has to be indicated in clear script
The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorization No.........) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of EEA preferential origin.
Tänk på att
- när produkter som omfattas av EES-avtalet och som har ursprung inom EES-området (EU, Norge, Liechtenstein eller Island) exporteras till Norge, Liechtenstein eller Island anges EES som ursprungsland (EEA på engelska)
- bara använda den här texten inom EES-området för varor med EES-ursprung
- utesluta orden inom den första parentesen om du inte har något tillstånd.
- If the goods originate in the EEA, no individual country should be indicated as the country of origin.
Invoice declaration in accordance with current agreements with countries in Central and South America
El exportador de los productos incluidos en el presente documento (autorización aduanera o de la autoridad gubernamental competente no. ………………………) declara que, salvo indicación en sentido contrario, estos productos gozan de un origen preferencial ........
Lugar y Fecha
Firma del exportador; además deberá indicarse de forma legible el nombre y los apellidos de la persona que firma la declaración
"The exporter...(Number of Registered Exporter) of the products covered by this document declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of... [1] preferential origin according to rules of origin of the Generalized System of Preferences of the European Union and that the origin criterion met is ........[2].
[1] Ursprungslandet.
[2] P eller W+HS-nr ska anges. För helt framställda produkter ange bokstaven "P". För produkter som är tillräckligt bearbetade eller behandlade: Ange bokstaven "W", följd av ett HS-nummer (t.ex "W 9618").
Statement on origin in accordance with the General System of Preferences
"The exporter...(Number of Registered Exporter) of the products covered by this document declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of... [1] preferential origin according to rules of origin of the Generalized System of Preferences of the European Union and that the origin criterion met is ........[2].
[1] Ursprungslandet.
[2] P eller W+HS-nr ska anges. För helt framställda produkter ange bokstaven "P". För produkter som är tillräckligt bearbetade eller behandlade: Ange bokstaven "W", följd av ett HS-nummer (t.ex "W 9618").
If you are exporting goods that originate in the EU which are intended for processing or refinement in a GSP State, use a statement on origin in cases where the buyer needs to certify the origin of the goods.
You may issue replacement certificates for goods from GSP States that are to be re-consigned within the EU, or to Norway or Switzerland. The type of certificate to use depends in part on the origin of the goods, and in part on to where it is re-consigned.
REX statements on origin is used for goods originating in GSP States that are re-consigned within the EU.
REX statements on origin, or in some cases replacement certificates, are used for goods originating in GSP States that are re-consigned to Norway or Switzerland.
Exempel på texter för deklarationer om ursprung
Ursprungsdeklaration enligt Pem-konventionen
Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd nr........ ) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ………… ursprung.
Ort och datum
Exportörens underskrift och namnförtydligande
Exempel på texter för deklarationer om ursprung
Ursprungsdeklaration enligt Pem-konventionen
Exportören av de varor som omfattas av detta dokument (tullmyndighetens tillstånd nr........ ) försäkrar att dessa varor, om inte annat tydligt markerats, har förmånsberättigande ………… ursprung.
Ort och datum
Exportörens underskrift och namnförtydligande
Last updated:
What is updated: Exempeltexten på svenska för ursprungsförsäkran enligt avtalet med Japan har ändrats.