
Swedish Customs server certificate

Observe that this applies to the TLS server certificate we use to identify our server when you connect to us by OFTPv2. It is not to be confused with the Company Signature Certificate or the Swedish Customs Signature Certificate used to sign documents sent to or from Swedish Customs. The server certificate is replaced annually, normally during August.

The server certificate used for tmf01.tullverket.se will be replaced August 27, 2024 at 11.00 AM UTC.

The new server certificate has the same issuer as the previous and thereby the same root and intermediate CA certificates are used. Consequently, no changes are necessary in many computer environments, but if your computer environment needs the addition of specific trusted server certificates, the new server certificate can be downloaded at:


Technical details regarding trust chains and links for downloading certificates

The Swedish Customs’ server certificate used in our OFTPv2 server tmf01.tullverket.se works with multiple trust chains.

Our server returns the following certificates, where the root certificate is included in ”Odette Trust Service Status List (TSL) for OFTP2 Data Exchange”:

The following trust chain can also be used:

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