Buying alcohol online
To buy alcohol online, you should be 20 years old and pay excise duty. You cannot order alcohol from countries outside the EU.
Buying alcohol online from an EU Member State
If you are 20 years old, you may order alcohol for your and your family´s personal use.
You should always pay excise duty
Depending on whether the seller has registered for alcohol tax in Sweden or not, different rules apply.
- If the seller is registered for alcohol tax in Sweden, the seller pays excise duty.
- If the seller is not registered for alcohol tax in Sweden, you pay the excise duty.
More information can be obtained from the Swedish Tax Agency.
Excise duty on alcohol for private individuals - the Swedish Tax Agency (in Swedish).
How much excise duty are you required to pay ?
If you, for example, want to buy wine or beer online from an EU Member State, you should pay excise duty in Sweden.
The Swedish Tax Agency will calculate the excise duty differently depending on the class of alcoholic beverage.
Swedish Customs may confiscate the alcohol and launch a tax inquiry if you fail to comply with the rules. You may have to pay both excise duty and a transport fee amounting to 40% of the excise duty. Swedish Customs will always contact you by mail if we confiscate the alcohol.
Transporting the alcohol to Sweden
If you use a transport company or, for example, a friend to bring in the alcohol, you need to register as a temporary trader with the Swedish Tax Agency in advance and pay alcohol tax to the Tax Agency.
If the seller sends the alcohol to you, it is considered to be distance selling. If the seller has registered to pay excise duty in Sweden, you do not have to do anything. However, if the seller has not registered to pay excise duty in Sweden, you have to register as a trader with the Swedish Tax Agency.
Distance selling of alcohol goods to private individuals in Sweden – The Swedish Tax Agency
Who is considered part of your family?
Your family are close relatives with whom you share a household, such as spouses, registered partners etc.
Swedish Customs refers to a judgement of the Court of Appeal of Skåne and Blekinge of 20 April 2006 (case number B2328-04). In the absence of a judgement from the Supreme Court, it is regarded as legal precedence.
Buying alcohol online from a country outside the EU
You cannot order alcohol from countries outside the EU.
Purchasing alcohol when travelling
Other rules apply when you personally bring alcohol from another Member State.
Purchasing alcohol when travelling
Is the country part of the EU
If you are unsure whether the country you are trading with is an EU Member State or not, you can see a list of all EU Member States or search for a specific country on the website of the EU.
Do you have further questions about buying alcohol online?
Browse our collection of Frequently asked questions about buying alcohol online.
If you did not find the answer to your question, you are welcome to contact us.
Last updated:
What is updated: Linguistic adjustment