Transport by road between Sweden and Norway
The border between Sweden and Norway is Sweden’s only land border to a country outside the European Union. To facilitate trade, there is a unique treaty that allows the transport undertaking to stop at only one customs clearance office to conclude their customs procedures.
There are a large number of passable roads across the Norwegian border, but only a few of them have manned customs offices where goods can be released. An unladen lorry does not need to pass through a manned border crossing. However, if the border is to be crossed with commercial goods, this must be done at an open customs clearance centre. At all other border crossings, it is forbidden to transport commercial goods unless you have applied for and received a so-called operating authorisation from Swedish Customs.
The agreement between the EU and Norway is unique in the international context. It helps to facilitate trade and creates an efficient allocation of resources between a limited number of border stations located along the entire border.
Who does what on the Swedish and Norwegian side?
Staff at customs clearance offices along the Norwegian border are familiar with both EU and Norwegian customs rules, and staff from the country into which the goods are to be imported take care of their own imports and the other country's exports. Handling at customs offices varies slightly. At some border crossings, there is only one Swedish customs office and Swedish staff handle all Swedish and Norwegian customs clearance. At other crossings, there is only one Norwegian customs office and the Norwegian customs officer handles both Norwegian and Swedish customs clearance.
Tärnaby, Storlien and Eda, Björnfjell, Junkerdal, Vauldalen, Östby and Åsnes
The customs clearance office handles both Swedish imports and exports, as well as Norwegian imports and exports.
The customs clearance office handles Norwegian exports and Swedish imports. This means that when you arrive with goods from Norway, you do not declare the export at the Norwegian customs clearance office in Örje. Instead, you go directly to the Swedish customs clearance office that handles the export on behalf of Norway.
Svinesund SE
The customs clearance office handles Norwegian exports and Swedish imports. This means that when you arrive with goods from Norway, you will not declare the export at the Norwegian customs clearance office in Svinesund. Instead, go directly to the Swedish customs clearance office that handles the export on behalf of Norway.
The customs clearance office handles Swedish exports and Norwegian imports. This means that when you arrive with goods from Sweden, you do not declare the export at the Swedish customs clearance office in Hån. Instead, you go directly to the Norwegian customs clearance office that handles the export on behalf of Sweden.
Svinesund NO
The customs clearance office handles Swedish exports and Norwegian imports. This means that when you arrive with goods from Sweden, you will not declare the export at the Swedish customs clearance office in Svinesund. Instead, go directly to the Norwegian customs clearance office that handles the export on behalf of Sweden.
Opening hours for the Swedish and Norwegian customs clearance offices.
Presenting the means of transport and the goods
Means of transport and goods crossing the border between the EU and Norway should be presented. The person responsible for the means of transport is responsible for submitting the presentation notification. For transport by road, the driver is responsible. When the driver arrives at the customs clearance office, the identity of the lorry and the goods in the cargo should be presented to Swedish Customs. Use the “Fordonsanmälan” (Vehicle declaration) form.
The form should contain the following information:
- Whether the goods are in- or outbound.
- Vehicle registration number and nationality.
- Where appropriate, the registration number and nationality of the trailer shall be indicated.
- Packages, description of goods and gross mass.
- The consignee of the goods.
- The reference number of the procedure for which the goods are declared. This applies to both the Norwegian and the Swedish reference number. The Swedish reference number is the customs ID or MRN. The Norwegian reference number is the one given to the consignment in the Norwegian customs clearance system TVINN.
- The driver uses their signature to certify that no other goods are included in the cargo.
Download the Fordonsanmälan form. Pdf, 279 kB.
Operating authorisation
For transports between Sweden and Norway, there is a special operating authorisation that allows the carrier to pass through unmanned border crossings or manned clearance offices outside opening hours.
Operating authorisation for transports between Sweden and Norway.
When you fail to present your goods at the customs office
Sometimes, lorries passing the border from Norway to Sweden omit to present their goods to the customs office. Failure to present the goods at the customs office may be considered a violation of customs regulations on the part of the driver. This may also lead to unnecessary costs.
When you fail to present your goods at the customs office
Returning incorrectly designated Union goods
If Union goods accidentally accompany a transport to Norway, please follow the following steps.
- Contact the head of operations at the relevant clearance office via the switchboard and agree on a date and time.
- When you arrive at the clearance office on the agreed day and time, refer to the agreement with the head of operations.
- Discharge your T2 transit initiated from a customs warehouse in Norway against the agreement by presenting supporting documents.
- The receipt from Swedish Customs confirming that the goods have been presented at the border and have not been brought into Sweden illegally is a stamped shipping document.
Learn more
This course will provide basic knowledge about trade with Norway. The course can be taken long-distance, and is provided free of charge.
Long-distance course about trade with Norway (in Swedish).
Current regulations
- Act (1959:590) on border cooperation with other states
- Council Decision 97/269/EG concerning the conclusion of the Agreement on customs cooperation between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway. Agreement on customs cooperation between the European Community and the Kingdom of Norway. Administrative arrangement
- Ordinance (2002:1054) on border cooperation with Norway
- Swedish Custom’s regulations (TFS 2005:2) on border cooperation with Norway