Binding Tariff Information, BTI
Binding Tariff Information, BTI, is a written decision on the commodity code for a specific product.
You can use the BTI when you import or export goods to or from all EU Member States. This ensures a uniform tariff classification of your goods. A BTI may only be used by or on behalf of the holder, never by other traders.
In general, a BTI is valid for a period of three years. It is valid throughout the EU.
A BTI decision is normally provided free of charge. However, if Customs incurs specific costs in obtaining expert advise or returning your samples, we may pass these costs on to you.
When you declare the goods on a Single Administrative Document (Enhetsdokument), you should indicate in box 44 that you hold a BTI for the goods, and also state the BTI reference number. This way, we can easily find the BTI in case of a documentary check. If you declare your goods electronically, you supply this information under "additional information".
Holding a BTI gives you several advantages. The decision is legally binding on all customs administrations within the EU. It ensures uniform application of the legislation on tariff classification.
Should your BTI become invalid due to changes in EU legislation, you can apply for permission to continue using it for a limited period of time. You may be granted an extension for a period of up to six months. This is provided that you have entered into a binding commercial contract on the purchase or sale of goods, and that this was done before the changes were decided.
If the BTI regards goods for which an import or export licence has been issued, you may use the BTI during the validity period of the licence.
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What is updated: Technical change