
EDI – Signature certificates and registration of contact person

When applying for registration for electronic communication via EDI you must also register one or more contact persons to administer the company’s PKI signature certificates.

Swedish Customs applies a PKI-based security concept which means that your company need different signature certificates to ensure a secure electronic data interchange.

Most companies need to install two types of signature certificates: the Company Signature Certificate and the Swedish Customs Signature Certificate.

Company Signature Certificate

The Company Signature Certificate is used to sign messages that your company sends to Swedish Customs.

EDI – Order the Company Signature Certificate

This certificate is not necessary if your company only receives the UTL and ZKB messages. In this case only the Swedish Customs Signature Certificate is necessary.

If you do not have a valid Company Signature Certificates all EDI messages will be rejected by our EDI-system and your company’s transaction flow will be disrupted. Make sure the company has procedures that ensure you order new Company Signature Certificates in time.

Swedish Customs Signature Certificates

Swedish Customs Signature Certificate is used by the company to verify messages received from Swedish Customs.

You can download the current Swedish Customs Signature Certificate from the web service Certifikatbeställning (in Swedish) or from http://ca.tullverket.se/ca/.

The signature certificates must be renewed

Both the Company Signature Certificate and the Swedish Customs Signature Certificate are valid for 14 months and must be replaced on a regular basis.

The Company Signature Certificate is valid as of the date of Swedish Customs has issued the certificate. About 8 weeks before it expires we send an email notification to your company's registered contact persons for signature certificates.

It is important that we have updated contact information to the registered contact persons to ensure that they receive information from us when it is time to renew the certificates.

Information about the replacement of the Swedish Customs Signature Certificate is published well in advance on our website.

Contact person authorised to administer signature certificates

Your company should register one or more contact persons to handle signature certificates for electronic data interchange on the company's behalf. To avoid key person-dependence, Swedish Customs recommends that the company have one or more persons registered.

The contact person authorised to administer signature certificates is responsible for

  • ordering a new Company Signature Certificate well in advance before its validity expires
  • receiving and installing certificates in your company’s EDI system
  • receiving information, by email, from Swedish Customs, e.g. information about the validity period of Company Signature Certificate.

  • When a contact person changes email address this should be registered with Customs via our web service Certifikatbeställning or by post.
  • If your company want to change contact person this should be done by post. At the same time you can withdraw the authority for the previous contact person.

The application form is used both to register and to withdraw contact persons and when you need to change email address. The application should be signed by an authorised signatory of the company and the original version should be sent by post.


Registration/withdrawal of contact person authorized to administer signature certificates, tv 404.36 Pdf, 219.3 kB.

More information

Questions and answers about signature certificates

Technical information about the EDI security concept

Questions or problems?

For questions or problems, contact EDI Certificate at edi.certifikat@tullverket.se.

Personal data

How Swedish Customs processes your personal data when you submit an application. (in Swedish)

Last updated:

What is updated: Clarification on how we communicates updates and new information.

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