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Uppdates EDI information for system developers



Final date for Transitional period for NCTS-5 on 21 January 2025. Please be aware that it is DDNTA 5.15.2 that applies as of this date. The transition occurs on 21 January at 01.00 (CET).

We recommend that you look at the technical specifications and RFC-List.39 to prepare for the transition.

More information information will be published in the beginning of January. If you have questions, contact projekt.transit@tullverket.se.

Example of changes after the transitional period

  • Commodity code is mandatory
  • The number of HC is extended
  • Data given on several levels
  • More than 1 consignor is possible
  • Country of dispatch is mandatory
  • New TAD
  • Changed xsd
  • Export MRN should be declared at HC level

Technical specifications (in Swedish)

Information about TAD (in Swedish)


Specific rules applies for export followed by transit. The Customs office of departure in the transit declaration should be entered as the Customs office of exit in the export declaration when the export is followed by transit.

More information (in Swedish): Avgångstullkontoret i transiteringsdeklarationen ska anges som utförseltullkontor i exportdeklarationen


New technical specifications for centralized clearance for import, SCTS-CCI.

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


Swedish Customs has solved the problems with the integration between NCTS and AES, and “export followed by transit” now works according to the specifications. You can choose to declare the commodity code (HS-number) and net weight as communicated, but it is not mandatory until 21 January 2025 when the transition period of the NCTS Release 5 ends.

We apologise for the problems, and appreciate your understanding and your effort to minimize the problems.


Export AES
Swedish Customs has published new information to further support companies that are using the new export system.

Checklista (in Swedish)


Problems with the integration export followed by transit

The integration NCTS and AES does not work satisfactory and the following information will apply until a solution is in place:

  • Companies that submit export-MRN in their transit declarations must declare the commodity code (HS-number) and net weight on all House Consignment/ConsignmentItem.

If this is not done, the transit declaration will receive the response message IE928 but then the transit declaration will be stopped and the export declaration will not get proof of exit.

We are working to find a solution and will get back with more information asap.

More information (in Swedish): Export följt av transitering


Regarding export followed by transit

On 25th November at 11.00 AM UTC was the integration between transit NCTS and AES completed. Swedish Customs have noticed that there are transit declarations submitted with the wrong format of the export MRN for document type N830. Please ensure that your systems use the export MRN according to DDCOM appendix V.8.2.

More information (in Swedish)


Export – Integration between NCTS and AES will take place on 25 November at 10.00 AM UTC.



Updated and new rule in technical specifications SCTS-AOG.

  • Amendment of rules SE-R0126, SE-R0127 and SE-R0128. Please note that the requirement for unique numbering still applies.
  • New rule - SE-R0494 NOTE! This regulation will not apply until at the earliest 1 March 2025.
  • New rule - SE-R0525

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish only)


Export – Problem with IE507 due to long company names

Note that during the transition period the number of characters in an export declaration is limited to 35 for exporter, declarant and consignee. Transition rule E1104 is applied in this field in DDNXA. The release of IE507 does not work if more than 35 characters are used.

According to E1104:
”Technical Description:
IF <Decisive Date> is LESS than or EQUAL to <TPendDate> THEN
/*/GoodsShipment/Consignment/Consignee/name AND /*/GoodsShipment/Consignment/Consignee/Address/streetAndNumber AND /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/SupportingDocument/referenceNumber AND /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/TransportDocument/referenceNumber AND /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/Consignee/name AND /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/Consignee/Address/streetAndNumber AND /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/PreviousDocument/referenceNumber AND /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/AdditionalReference/referenceNumber AND /*/Exporter/name AND
/*/Exporter/Address/streetAndNumber AND /*/Declarant/name AND /*/Declarant/Address/streetAndNumber AND format shall be set to an..35”


The date for integration between NCTS and AES has changed. The integration between NCTS and AES will be completed 25 November.

The date for integration between NCTS and AES has changed (in Swedish)


Updated information and new messages in technical specifications regarding the application for change of declaration for temporary storage in SCTS-AOG as well as minor rule changes affecting SCTS-IMPORT phase 2, 3 and phase 4 EIDR.

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


Updated information in technical specification SCTS- IMPORT phase 3.

Rule SE-R0368 is removed and replaced with a code list. It is now also possible to enter preference code 110 for special procedures.

EDI - Technical specifications (in Swedish)


Final tests for declarants regarding Presentation notification for entry in the declarant´s records (EIDR) and for Declaration for temporary storage can be found on our website.

Final tests for declarants (in Swedish)



Final tests for system developers regarding EIDR - Presentation notification for entry in the declarant´s records (SCTS-IMPORT fas 4) are now published.

Final tests for system developers (in Swedish)


Updated information in technical specifications SCTS-IMPORT phase 3 and phase 4.


  • Phase 3 Simplified declaration:
    • updated XML-scheme
    • dataelement 12 04 0001 000 has been made non-mandatory
    • dataelement 18 09 060 000 has been added
    • new rule added - SE-R0279

  • Phase 3 Supplementary declaration:
    • new rule added - SE-R0279

  • Phase 4 Presentation notification EIDR:
    • changed rule - SE-R0389

  • Phase 4 Supplementary declaration EIDR:
    • new rule added - SE-R0279
    • changed rule - SE-R0389
    • changed rule - SE-R0396
    • changed rule - SE-R0403

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


Swedish Customs Test Environment for Temporary storage declaration (SCTS-AOG) is open and final tests are available.

We have published both scenarios, sample files and data for testing as well as final tests for system developers for the messages TSDP, TSTS and TSTS.

Scenarios, sample files and test cases (in Swedish)

Final tests for system developers (in Swedish)


Updated information about Swedish Customs’ server certificate, that will be replaced August 27, 2024 at 11.00 AM UTC.

Swedish Customs’ server certificate


Updated information about the Swedish Customs Test Environment for import (SCTS-IMPORT) regarding Presentation notification for entry in the declarant´s records EIDR and Simplified and supplementary declaration.

We have now published scenarios, sample files and data for testing for EIDR. Final tests will be published in the end of August.

Scenarios, sample files and test cases (in Swedish)

Final tests for Simplified and supplementary declaration (IFDS, IKDS) are updated.

Final tests for system developers (in Swedish)

Final tests for declarants (in Swedish)


New version of the error code list related to the technical specifications TDR050 has been published to be applied from 10 July 2024.

Error code 511 has been updated with a new description.

EDI – svarskoder (felkoder) för TDR050 (in Swedish)


Updated information in technical specification SCTS-AOG due to extended scope (rail) and corrected sequence diagrams.


Corrected sequence diagrams 9.7-9.10 in message specification.

Following changes has been done in the rule specification:

  • Presentation notification:
    – changed rule – SE-R0411
    – changed rule – SE-R0456

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


Swedish Customs Test Environment for Temporary storage declaration (SCTS-AOG) is now open.

We have now published scenarios, sample files and test cases for temporary storage declaration prior to the presentation of goods (TSDP).

Scenarios, sample files and test cases (in Swedish)


Updated information in technical specification SCTS-AOG.


  • Completed information in process description regarding status INA.
  • Updated XML-schema for declaration.
  • Following changes has been done in the rule specification for declaration.
    • removed rules - SE-R0412, SE-R0425
    • changed rules - SE-R0421, SE-R0447, SE-R0451
    • moved rule - SE-R0451

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


Updated information in the technical specifications SCTS-IMPORT phase 3 and SCTS-IMPORT phase 4.

Some of the changes are due to a recently published legal position regarding authorization for simplified declaration.

SCTS-IMPORT phase 3:

  • Updated XML-schema for simplified and supplementary declaration
  • Following changes has been done in the rule specifications for simplified and supplementary declaration:
    • removed rules - SE-R0178, SE-R0244, SE-R0454
    • changed rule - SE-R0381
    • moved rule - SE-R0062

SCTS-IMPORT phase 4:

  • Updated XML-schema for presentation notification EIDR.
  • Following changes has been done in the rule specification for supplementary declaration EIDR.
    • removed rules - SE-R0281, SE-R0316
    • new rules - SE-R0457, SE-R0458

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


Important changes in the Swedish Customs test environment for SCTS-AES when testing the transition rules.

When testing your system for ToBe rules, the ordinary test indicator "1" should be used. When testing your system for the transitions rules in AES, test indicator "8" should be used. This is only applicable for the AES test environment.

For further information see Scenarios, sample files and test cases (in Swedish)


Updated information in technical specifications SCTS-TSHOA and SCTS-CL.


  • New name for the message specification (SCTS-TSHOA_Meddelandespecifikation)
  • Information regarding the process Start of temporary storage
  • Information regarding the process of Descrepancies
  • Description of new message (TSGP)
  • New technical message structure , rule specification and XML scheme for Information of presented goods


  • New message added (TSGP) for SCTC-TSHOA

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)


The final tests for system developers regarding export have been updated.

Slutprov för systemutvecklare (in Swedish)


Updated information in technical specification SCTS-AOG and SCTS-CL.


  • Chapter ”Ansökan om ändring av DTL” (Amendment request of TSD) is added to the message specification.
  • Updated XML-scheme for declaration.
  • Following changes has been done in the rule specification
    • Presentation notification:
      • new rule – SE-R0456
      • removed rule - SE-R0445
      • changed rule - SE-R0448
    • Declaration:
      • removed rules - SE-R0132, SE-R0218 and SE-R0436
      • changed rules - SE-R0431, SE-R0437, SE-R0439, SE-R0442 and SE-R0452


  • SE-CL0010 updated with new codes

New versions of the technical specifications can be found here (in Swedish)

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