EDI – Application procedure for TVEDI
EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange and means that your company can communicate electronically, system to system, with Swedish Customs. In order to send and receive EDI-messages to Swedish Customs companies must apply for a Registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI).
In order to send and receive EDI-messages to Swedish Customs you must have a registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI) and get technical approval to connect your EDI-system to Swedish Customs. Here you will find information about how to apply and how to use the TVEDI when you receive the decision of registration.
Who can apply for TVEDI?
In order for Swedish Customs to grant a registration for TVEDI the company should meet the following conditions:
- The company must have an EORI number.
Apply for an EORI number. - The company conducts or plans to start import, export or warehouse business or to develop a customs system.
How to apply
In the application the technical conditions for the company’s EDI communication are defined. The instructions for filling out the form are found in the application.
The application should be signed by an authorised signatory of the company and the original version should be sent by post to us. A company based outside Sweden should also submit a copy of the Official Registration of the Company with your business identification number and a legal certification that the person is authorised to make signatures for the company.
Application for registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI), 404.31 Pdf, 412.8 kB.
The company should also register one or several contact person(s) authorised to administer signature certificates, normally only necessary the first you apply for TVEDI.
Signature certificates and registration of contact person
Personal data
How Swedish Customs processes your personal data when you submit an application (in Swedish)
Terms and conditions for TVEDI
The technical information for the company’s EDI communication is defined in the decision on registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI). Furthermore these terms and conditions apply:
- The registration applies only for the economic operator that is stated as the decision holder. The decision holder should fulfil the conditions which are stated in the registration.
- When transmitting electronic documents the submitted data should follow the technical specifications published by Swedish Customs.
Technical specifications (in Swedish) - The decision holder should keep informed about changes in relevant standards for electronic communication, codes and messages.
- The decision holder is always responsible to ensure that all technical requirements and security requirements are fulfilled. If there are changes affecting the condition for your registration you should notify Swedish Customs and apply for an amendment.
- Irrespectively if services in your system are administered by a third party, the decision holder is always responsible for these services towards Swedish Customs.
- The decision holder should download the messages which Swedish Customs send.
- It is important that the decision holder should be aware of the general terms and conditions which applies to all authorisations and registrations.
General terms and conditions for all authorisations (in Swedish)
What happens when you have received the decision of registration
Before you begin tests
The technical information for the company’s EDI communication is defined in the decision in a so called technical appendix. The company is also allocated a LRN series (also called tull-id series) which is used to generate a unique reference number for declarations both in the test and production environment.
The TVEDI decision includes a technical appendix where the technical information for the company's EDI communication are defined. We also send two separate documents called “Confirmation of registration for EDI-communication with Swedish Customs” which includes security passwords. These are also sent by post. One letter is addressed to the decision holder (contact person for EDI issues). The other is sent to your stated communication party. In order to set up communication with Swedish Customs these passwords must be installed the company's customs system.
Your appointed contact person for signature certificates should ensure that the necessary signature certificates are installed in your EDI system. Most companies need two types of signature certificates. Both certificates need to be renewed at a regular basis otherwise you risk disrupting your transaction flow both for test and production.
Signature certificates and registration of contact person
During the test process
In the Swedish Customs test environment you can test all the EDI messages that Swedish Customs gives access to. Some messages require additional data to be registered before tests can proceed.
In the decision Registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI) your starting date for tests is stated. Once the passwords and signature certificates are installed you may begin to test. Contact the EDI Test team when all relevant final tests have been performed with the expected result. In some cases you also need to send additional documents by post before the tests can be approved. When contacting EDI Test always refer to the reference number (EDI-xx) that is stated in your decision.
EDI – Test environment and final tests
Approved tests and start sending messages in the production environment
When your final tests are approved you receive a Decision on approved tests. An approved test means that Swedish Customs has approved that the final test for the current message was correct at the time of the test.
System developers wishing to have their approved tests published must gain approval for a number of final tests for your chosen transaction flow. Normally a system developer is not activated for the production environment.
After approved tests Swedish Customs activates the production environment for your EDI communication. The date is stated in the decision. You may after this start to sending and receive electronic document in production provided other necessary requirements are fulfilled. For some messages other authorisations and/or registrations may also be necessary.
For subscription messages (CWPR, CWRA, IFFP, TSGP, TSPR) to be activated in production you separately need to order registration of supplementary data. If these messages will be handled by a third party you must provide a power of attorney.
EDI Subscription messages (in Swedish)
To be able to use the software in Swedish Customs’ production environment, you must, on test completion, remove the test indicator.
Once you are in production, the test environment is still available for tests of new messages. The test indicator must be activated when using the test environment otherwise the messages are sent in the production flow. Ask your system supplier about any limitations in the software to send test messages simultaneously with messages in production.
Further useful information when you start sending transactions in production can be found in Swedish .
If there are changes affecting your registration such as changing system supplier or method of communication, or if you undergo business changes or change contact persons, you should apply for an amendment. In some cases you may also need register new persons as contact for signature certificates.
Application to amend registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI), 404.33 Pdf, 200.3 kB.
The instructions for filling out the form is found in the application. The application should be signed by an authorised signatory of the company and the original version should be sent by post to us. A company based outside Sweden should also submit a copy of the Official Registration of the Company with your business identification number and a legal certification that the person is authorised to make signatures for the company.
More information is available on the website in Swedish.
If your company no longer will use your EDI communication with Swedish Customs you should contact us to request revocation of the registration.
More information
We recommend that you subscribe to our news feed on tullverket.se in order to receive up-to-date information about our EDI system.
Subscribe to the newsletter Tullnytt (in Swedish).
Subscribe to information about EDI communication (in Swedish).
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What is updated: Technical change