Questions and answers about signature certificates
Here are some answers on frequently asked questions about signature certificates.
Online service Certifikatbeställning
How can I get access to the online service to administer the Company Signature Certificate?
It is only persons with a Swedish electronic identification (eID, currently only Swedish BankID) that may access our web service Certifikatbeställning.
If you do not have access to the web service you can order the Company Signature Certificate by mail and email.
Email notifications
Why do I get an email notification about an expiration date for our signature certificate?
The message is a reminder that you need to order a new Company Signature Certificate. If you have not already done so you should order a new signature certificate before the old expires, otherwise your company’s transaction flow both for test and production will be disrupted.
When you are registered as a contact person for signature certificates we send a message to you eight weeks before your Company Signature Certificate expires. This certificate is valid for 14 months and must be renewed. You order the certificate as described on EDI – Order the Company Signature Certificate.
Why have I not received an email notification regarding the expiration of our signature certificates?
When you are registered as a contact person for signature certificates your email address is also registered. If your email address has changed for example due to marriage or if the company changed its name you should report the changed email address to Swedish Customs. You use the form TV 404.36 (or TV 404.35 in Swedish). If you have access to the online service Certifikatbeställning you may change your email address there.
Contact person authorised to administer signature certificates
What are the responsibilities of a contact person for signature certificates?
Only person(s) appointed by the company have the authority to order and handle the Company Signature Certificate. It is not necessary that the contact person is employed by your company. However, they must have a power of attorney to act on behalf of the company in questions regarding signature certificates.
The contact persons are registered by Swedish Customs and will receive email notifications from us regarding the certificates. It is only the appointed contact persons who may order the certificates either by email and regular mail, or through our online service Certifikatbeställning.
Who should we appoint as contact person
It is up to the company to choose contact person for signature certificates. It is however an advantage if the contact person has IT knowledge. It is not necessary that the contact person(s) is employed by your company but they must have a power of attorney to act on your behalf when contacting Swedish Customs.
Should we have one or more contact person(s)?
It is an advantage to have more than one contact person to handle signature certificates, considering sickness absence, holidays etc.
How do we change contact persons?
You change contact person(s) for signature certificates using the form TV 404.36 (or TV 404.35 in Swedish). Remember to apply to withdraw the contact person who should no longer have this role.
As a contact person how do I change my email address?
In case your email has changed due to marriage or because your company has changed name you should report the change of address to us so that you can continue to receive the email notifications. For this you use the form TV 404.36 (or TV 404.35 in Swedish). If you have access to the online service Certifikatbeställning you can change your name and address there.
CSR file and certificate
Why are several types of certificates needed?
This is to ensure the security of the content in the electronic messages your company submits to Swedish Customs. Most companies need two types of signature certificates:
- Company Signature Certificate – to sign messages to be sent to Swedish Customs.
- Swedish Customs Signature Certificate – to verify messages received from Swedish Customs.
If you do not have valid certificates your company’s transaction flow both for test and production will be disrupted.
When do we have to install a new Swedish Customs Signature Certificate?
The certificate is replaced every year, normally in March or April. Information about the replacement of the Swedish Customs Signature Certificate is published well in advance on our website. You may download the new certificate long before Swedish Customs starts to use it, but the previous certificate must remain in your EDI-system until you have downloaded and verified all documents signed with the previous certificate. Depending on the format of the EDI documents and the functionality of your EDI system, the certificate can be downloaded manually or automatically.
How do I order the Company Signature Certificate?
The Company Signature Certificate is ordered from Swedish Customs via mail and email by the company's appointed contact person for signature certificates as described on EDI – Order the Company Signature Certificate.
Only persons who have a Swedish electronic identification (eID, currently only Swedish BankID) may order the certificate via our online service Certifikatbeställning, following an application to Swedish Customs.
When do we have to order a new Company Signature Certificate?
The expiration date is shown in the certificate and there may also be functions in your EDI-system supporting this. When you receive a certificate from Swedish Customs, the last date of validity is shown, for example "2013-05-10T11:19:49".
The expiration date is also shown in the online service Certifikatbeställning. Order a new certificate well in advance so you have time to install the new certificate before the old one expires.
Do we need to order a new Company Signature Certificate when we change system?
We recommend that you order a new certificate. It is possible to use the same certificate in different systems provided that the certificate and the corresponding private key may be transferred in a secure way to the new system.
I have emailed the CSR file but have still not received the Company Signature Certificate why?
To receive the certificate, you must send the CSR file to us both by email and by mail. The printed document should be signed by the contact person authorised to administer signature certificates and state the company name and EORI number.
Did you send the document to the correct postal address?
The correct address is:
Swedish Customs IT department
Aurorum 3, SE-977 75 Luleå, Sweden
When the CSR file is approved we will send a confirmation to the contact person's registered email. The confirmation contains a specified code. You should email this code back to edi.certifikat@tullverket.se.
Can we have more than one Company Signature Certificate?
Yes, a company can have more than one certificate. We recommend that the certificates overlap in validity period so that you have the ability to use the old certificate in case there is a problem with the new one.
Our Company Signature Certificate expires during vacation, how can we prepare?
Swedish Customs has no limitations in how often your company replaces the Company Signature Certificate. The certificate is valid for 14 months but you have the possibility to order and install a new certificate at any time during this period, as long as it is done well in advance before the old certificate expires.
How do we generate a CSR file?
When we have registered your appointed contact person(s) for signature certificates we send them instructions on how to generate a CSR file. If you do not have enough knowledge to create a CSR file, we advise you to contact your system vendor.
Do I need to order a certificate if I use Swedish Customs’ online services?
No, if you use the Swedish Customs' online services to send declarations to Swedish Customs, you do not need to order signature certificate.
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