Permanent importation and exportation of firearms, silencers and ammunition
Importation or exportation of firearm, silencers and ammunition must always be reported to Swedish Customs. The provisions depend on whether the weapons are permanently or temporarily imported or exported. The provisions also depend on whether the importation or exportation takes place within the EU or outside the EU.
Temporary or permanent importation or exportation?
The provisions for importation and exportation of weapons depend on whether the weapons are permanently or temporarily imported or exported. Temporary importation or exportation may be done for hunting or competition purposes. Permanent importation or exportation may occur in conjunction with a move to or from Sweden.
Travelling with weapons for hunting and competition
Buying weapons and dangerous objects when travelling abroad
Buying weapons and dangerous objects online
Gifts containing alcohol, tobacco, weapons or pharmaceuticals
What classifies as a weapon?
Weapons are defined in the Weapons Act (1996:67). (in Swedish)
How should I submit my notification?
The notification process depends on whether it concerns importation or exportation, and whether it involves an EU member state or a third country. Information about how to give notification for your weapon or ammunition can be found under the following headings.
Permanent importation of firearm, silencers and ammunition from an EU member state to Sweden
1. Apply for a permit
A permit from the Swedish Police Authority is required. Find out more from the website of the Swedish Police.
Permanent import and export of firearms – The Swedish Police Authority
2. Give advance notification to Swedish Customs – for accelerated processing
It is recommended that you, or your transport undertaking, report the firearms, silencers and ammunition in advance to Swedish Customs.
- Notify Swedish Customs at least 24 hours prior to the firearms, silencers and ammunition crossing the border.
This may be done using the form Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition. - Send the form by e-mail to vapendeklaration@tullverket.se.
3. Choose the red lane at the border crossing
When crossing the border, choose the red lane “Goods to declare” and present the form "Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition", together with the firearm, silencer and ammunition.
We will verify that the information corresponds to the carried firearm, silencer and ammunitionand your permit from the police.
Note: The country from which you travel may place restrictions on the exportation of firearm, silencer and ammunition. Please contact the relevant embassy or competent authority.
Permanent importation of weapons from a third country to Sweden
1. Apply for a permit
A permit from the Swedish Police Authority is required. Find out more from the website of the Swedish Police.
Permanent import and export of firearms – The Swedish Police Authority
2. Give advance notification to Swedish Customs – for accelerated processing
It is recommended that you, or your transport undertaking, report the firearms, silencers and ammunition in advance to Swedish Customs.
- Notify Swedish Customs at least 24 hours prior to the firearms, silencers and ammunition crossing the border.
This may be done using the form Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition. - Send the form by e-mail to vapendeklaration@tullverket.se.
3. Submit an import declaration to Swedish Customs
You, or your transport undertaking, are responsible for declaring firearms, silencers and ammunition that are imported from a third country. Please use the Single Administrative Document (SAD). Present your declaration when crossing the border.
Download the Single Administrative Document (SAD) as a PDF file Pdf, 225.8 kB.
Declaration guide for completing the Single Administrative Document (in Swedish)
4. Choose the red lane at the border
- When crossing the border, choose the red lane “Goods to declare” and present the form "Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition", together with the firearms, silencers and ammunition. We will verify that the information corresponds to the carried firearms, silencers and ammunition and your permit from the police.
- Please also present your Single Administrative Document (SAD), i.e. your customs declaration.
Note: The country from which you travel may place restrictions on the exportation of firearms, silencers and ammunition. Please contact the relevant embassy or competent authority
Permanent exportation of weapons from Sweden to an EU member state
1. Apply for a permit
A permit from the Swedish Police Authority is required. Find out more from the website of the Swedish Police.
Permanent import and export of firearms – The Swedish Police Authority
2. Give advance notification to Swedish Customs – for accelerated processing
It is recommended that you, or your transport undertaking, report the firearms, silencers and ammunition in advance to Swedish Customs.
- Notify Swedish Customs at least 24 hours prior to the firearms, silencers and ammunition crossing the border.
This may be done using the form Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition. - Send the form by e-mail to vapendeklaration@tullverket.se.
3. Choose the red lane at the border
When crossing the border, choose the red lane “Goods to declare” and present the form "Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition", together with the firearms, silencers and ammunition. We will verify that the information corresponds to the carried firearms, silencers and ammunition and your permit from the police.
Note: The country from which you travel may place restrictions on the importation of firearms, silencers and ammunition. Please contact the relevant embassy or competent authority.
Permanent exportation of weapons from Sweden to a third country
1. Apply for a permit
You will need a permit from the Inspectorate of Strategic Products. Read more on the website of the Inspectorate of Strategic Products.
Civila skjutvapen (Weapons for civilian use; in Swedish) – Inspectorate of Strategic Products
2. Give advance notification to Swedish Customs – for accelerated processing
It is recommended that you, or your transport undertaking, report the firearms, silencers and ammunition in advance to Swedish Customs.
- Notify Swedish Customs at least 24 hours prior to the firearms, silencers and ammunition crossing the border.
This may be done using the form Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition. - Send the form by e-mail to vapendeklaration@tullverket.se.
3. Submit an export declaration to Swedish Customs.
You, or your transport undertaking, are responsible for declaring weapons that are exported to a third country. Please use the Single Administrative Document (SAD). Present your declaration when crossing the border.
Download the Single Administrative Document (SAD) as a PDF file Pdf, 225.8 kB.
Declaration guide for completing the Single Administrative Document (in Swedish)
4. Choose the red lane at the border
- When crossing the border, choose the red lane “Goods to declare” and present the form "Details of importation or exportation of firearms and ammunition for a purpose other than temporary hunting or competition", together with the firearms, silencers and ammunition. We will verify that the information corresponds to the carried firearms, silencers and ammunitionand your permit from the police.
- Please also present your Single Administrative Document (SAD), i.e. your customs declaration.
Last updated:
What is updated: Linguistic adjustment