Future customs procedures
Entry in the declarant's records (EIDR)
On 4 November 2024, entry in the declarant's records (EIDR) will be introduced in the new import system of Swedish Customs, and the transition must be completed by 31 December 2024.
When declaring goods by entering them in your records, you must present the goods for release to Swedish Customs. Submit a customs declaration to Swedish Customs at a later stage, using a supplementary declaration. The customs declaration is deemed to have been approved at the time the goods are entered in the records.
The entry in the records must contain the same information as a simplified declaration, which means that the commodity code, net mass and country of origin must be included. If you are going to merge goods items, this is already done when you make the entry in the records.
A notification must be made for each entry in the records. Each entry must be followed by a notification and they must be made in immediate succession. This means that a notification only may refer back to one entry. A notification can have up to 999 goods items. There will be a change in data requirements compared to the current ALI message. Among other things, the notification must contain a description of the goods and the procedure code.
The supplementary declaration must supplement the information already entered in the entry in the records. The information must therefore be consistent between the two stages.
For those who submit daily or weekly summary supplementary declarations, Swedish Customs will develop a transitional solution. This can be used until a solution that is fully based on the legislation is in place. Today, no date has been set for how long the transitional solution will be in use.
Authorisation for entry in the declarant’s records
You need an authorisation to submit your customs declaration by entering the information in the declarant's records.
If you currently use EIDR for imports, you need to review the information in your authorisation. Ensure that the authorisation includes the codes that you need to use. Procedures that may apply in the context of imports include:
- 40 (Release into free circulation)
- 44 (End-use)
- 51 (Inward processing)
- 61 (Re-export)
If you no longer need your authorisation for EIDR for import, or if you need to amend your information, you can request an amendment or revoke your authorisation in the Customs Decisions System (CDS).
Amend or revoke an authorisation (Customs Decisions System, CDS), in Swedish
Procedure descriptions and declaration guides
The procedure for entry in the declarant's records
Procedure for supplementary declarations
The procedure for amending a presentation notification for EIDR and supplementary declarations
Guide for procedure notifications for entry in the declarant's records– EIDR
Declaration guide for supplementary declarations for EIDR
Last updated:
What is updated: EIDR will be introduced on 4 november 2024.