Tobacco is subject to so-called restrictions and may not be brought freely into Sweden. You can here read about the special rules that apply.
Swedish Customs and the Swedish Tax Agency are the authorities responsible for ensuring compliance with the rules applying to bringing tobacco into Sweden. Swedish Customs is present at the border and checks that the applicable rules are complied with. The Swedish Tax Agency is in charge of collecting tobacco tax.
Applicable rules
- Tullagen (2016:253) (information about the Sweden’s Customs act in Swedish)
- Lag (1996:701) om Tullverkets befogenheter vid Sveriges gräns mot ett annat land inom Europeiska unionen (information about the internal border act in Swedish)
- Lag (2000:1225) om straff för smuggling (information about the the Sweden's penalties for smuggling act in Swedish)
- Lag (1998:506) om punktskattekontroll av transporter m.m. av alkoholvaror, tobaksvaror och energiprodukter (information about Sweden’s excise duty checks on consignments, etc. of alcoholic goods, tobacco products and energy products act in Swedish)
Last updated:
What is updated: New link to learn more about receiving a gift with tobacco