Temporary victualling authorisation
An authorisation is required to provision using non-Union goods and untaxed union goods.
Authorisation code: TVPFG (vessels), TVPLF (aircraft)
Victualling refers to when goods are loaded onto vessels or aircraft to be consumed by the crew or passengers. A victualling authorisation should be granted to the actor responsible for the operations of the vessel or aircraft, if the actor fulfils the economic criteria, and any other applicable criteria.
Victualling of vessels or aircraft.
Who is eligible to be authorised?
The following criteria must be met for Swedish Customs to grant an authorisation to the applicant:
- The company must have an EORI number.
Find out more and apply for an EORI number.
The authorisation may only be granted to the following:
- Aircraft with a maximum take-off mass exceeding 5,700kg and destined to deliver or collect passengers or cargo in a foreign airport;
- Vessels used by a commercial operator (not fishing vessels) of more than 75 gross tonnage which are destined to deliver or collect passengers or cargo in a foreign port, or intended for cruise operations in more distant waters;
- State vessels and state aircraft.
In specific circumstances, Swedish Customs may grant dispensation from the take-off weigth and tonnage requirements respectively.
How to apply
Apply by completing and printing the form. An authorised company signatory should sign the form, the original copy of which should be sent to Swedish Customs.
Swedish Customs’ procedures for processing personal data (in Swedish)
What happens once you are authorised?
Any terms that apply to your company are provided in the authorisation. Once you have been granted authorisation it is important to keep records in a manner that makes it possible to inspect your operations. This is stipulated in § 12 (Act 1999:446). The records should be kept in the following manner:
- It should be possible to distinguish any untaxed Union goods that are included in the authorisation from any other goods;
- The quantity of goods of the type to which the authorisation applies that have been received from each warehouse keeper and/or by you in your capacity as a registered consignee should be clearly stated;
- The quantity goods similar to the class of goods to which the authorisation applies that have been received in a foreign port should be clearly stated;
- The location and quantity in which such goods have been stored or consumed on board (in restaurants, bars, mess halls, etc.) should be clearly stated;
- In cases where standardised warehouse record-keeping is applied, it should be tied to the regular business records.
Application of the authorisation
Victualling may not occur to a greater degree than that which is justified on the basis of:
- The nature and duration of the voyage or flight;
- The number of people who are expected to accompany the vessel or aircraft;
- Any applicable limitations to the consumption on the transport vessel;
- Any provisions that are already stowed on board.
Read more about the application of these rules on the Victualling of vessels or aircraft page.
Time of validity of the authorisation
This authorisation is valid for no longer than one year.
Modifying an authorisation
Existing authorisations may be modified using the application forms.
Applicable provisions
- Act (1999:446) on the victualling of vessels and aircraft
- Swedish Customs' provisions (TFS 2019:4) on the victualling of vessels and aircraft
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