Bill of discharge for inward processing
When you discharge the inward processing procedure, you need to lodge a bill of discharge explaining what happened to all the goods you reported for the procedure.
You need to submit one bill of discharge per import customs declaration. Only when the bill of discharge has been received by Swedish Customs can we discharge the inward processing and release any guarantee provided.
Create or submit the bill of discharge using our online service
You can use our online service Bill of Discharge for inward processing to:
- Create a bill of discharge
- Submit an existing bill of discharge.
If your company chooses to create its own bill of discharge, all the information from the form in the online service must be included in the bill of discharge. Use the same online service to submit your own bill of discharge to Swedish Customs.
When should I submit the bill of discharge?
Submit the bill of discharge within 30 days of the expiry of the discharge period. The time for discharging the procedure (Discharge date) is shown in “Print case”, which you can print via Swedish Customs’ services for companies.
If the period for discharging the procedure is 6 months, an import consignment with a rate determination date of 1 May must be submitted to Swedish Customs by 1 December.
Note that Swedish Customs does not send reminders to submit the bill of discharge.
If you do not submit the bill of discharge on time, the fees will be charged when the 30-day deadline has expired. In connection with this, Swedish Customs will send you a customs invoice explaining why fees have been charged.
What should the bill of discharge contain?
The bill of discharge must contain, among other things, the following information:
- Authorisation holder and corporate identification number
- Authorisation number. When applying for authorisation directly in the import declaration, the customs ID of your import declaration corresponds to your authorisation number
- Customs ID of the import declaration
- Quantity of import goods
- Commodity code (CN code), duty rate and amount of duty of the import goods
- Customs ID of the export declarations
- Type and quantity of the processed product
- Rate of yield.
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