
Declaration guide for transit, NCTS

This declaration guide can be used when submitting a declaration in the updated transit system, NCTS, Release 5.

About the declaration guide

Data classes and data elements

The new information system consists of data groups with corresponding classes and data elements.

The declaration guide contains descriptions of the data classes and data elements included in the transit declaration. Click on the “+” to show information about the data class and its corresponding data element.

The latest code lists can be found on the website of the European Commission.

Transition period

According to the current transition rules, the data requirements for certain data elements will be different during the transition period.

This will be being updated where applicable in the declaration guide.

Submitting information at different levels

There are several sections in the declaration guide, indicating the level at which the information should be filed.

Any information in accordance with the new Union Customs Code is based on a data model that has been designed by the World Customs Organisation (WCO). It is designed by specific structures. According to these structures, the information should be filed on different levels.

More information about the structures can be found here: Submitting information at different levels.

Enter the following information:

11 01 000 000 – Declaration type

Enter a code for each declaration type. The following codes are applicable:

Codes for data element 11 01 000 000 – Declaration type




Mixed consignments (external and internal Union transit, respectively)


External Union transit


Internal Union Transit


Internal Union transit in accordance with special fiscal territories


Goods placed under the TIR procedure

The type of declaration should be indicated at the declaration header level if it applies to all items. Otherwise, enter code “T” at the declaration header level and codes corresponding to the goods at each goods item.

For exports followed by a transit procedure for excise goods (e.g., consignments from Sweden to Norway)

If reference to an e-AD or fallback procedure for the movement of excise goods has been provided in data element 12 04 000 000 'Additional reference data' and MRN for export declaration is provided in data element 12 01 000 000 'Previous document', enter the code T1 at declaration level or T1 at House consignment item level for excise goods.

In case of transit of excise goods, under duty suspension, with customs status as Union goods (e.g. consignment from SE to IT, via CH)

If reference to an e-AD or fallback procedure for the movement of excise goods has been indicated in data element 12 03 000 000 'Supporting documents', enter the code T2 or T2F at declaration level or T2 or T2F at House consignment item level for items with excise goods.

11 02 000 000 – Additional declaration type

Here you can specify whether or not a transit declaration is lodged before presenting the goods to Swedish Customs.

Please note that this is not the same as the distinction between a normal and a simplified procedure. A normal procedure is declared by not providing authorisation information in the transit declaration. A simplified procedure is used when declaring an authorisation. More information can be found under 12 12 000 000 ‘Authorisation’.

Use one of the following codes:

  • A – For a transit declaration containing all the data necessary to start the procedure
  • D – For pre-lodged transit declaration (must first be supplemented with additional information using message IE170)

11 03 000 000 – Goods item number

Enter the goods item numbers for each House consignment. Start from '1' for the first item and increase the numbering by '1' for each following item.

For export followed by a transit procedure, the goods items in the transit declaration must follow the same order as in the export declaration. However, several export declarations can still be accompanied by a transit declaration.

11 07 000 000 – Security

Enter a code for how the declaration is combined with an entry summary declaration, exit summary declaration or a combination of both.

Enter one of the following codes:

Codes for data element 11 07 000 000 – Security






The declaration is not lodged together with an entry summary declaration or exit summary declaration.



The declaration is lodged together with an entry summary declaration.



The declaration is lodged together with an exit summary declaration.



The declaration is lodged together with an entry summary declaration and an exit summary declaration.

11 08 000 000 – Reduced data set indicator

Indicate if you hold an authorisation to use a reduced data set by entering one of the following codes:

  • Kod 0 – No (The goods are not declared with a reduced data set).
  • Kod 1 – Yes (The goods are declared with a reduced data set).

If you entered `TIR` as data element 11 01 000 000 “Declaration type”, you can only use code 0.

11 11 000 000 – Declaration goods item number

Enter the goods item numbers for the entire declaration. Start from '1' for the first item and increase the numbering by '1' for each following item. Please note that the goods item number must be unique for the entire declaration.

12 01 000 000 – Previous document

During the transition period, information on previous documents shall only be provided at House consignment item level. During the transition period, when several export declarations are accompanied by a transit declaration, the reference to the MRN of the export declarations should be provided on the respective House consignment item. A maximum of one MRN per House consignment item.

This is where you refer to previous documents using their document codes and reference numbers.

Use the Master consignment level if the document applies to all goods items in the declaration. If no document is provided at the Master consignment level, enter the information for each House consignment item.

If the declaration concerns transit to a special tax area, or if the export procedure is followed by a transit procedure, it is mandatory to file on the House consignment level, with a reference to the MRN of the export declaration.

Code NMRN should also be used as reference for removal from a customs warehouse or temporary storage.

Find out more about export followed by transit and see frequently asked questions

Enter the following information:

  • 12 01 001 000 – Reference number
    Enter the supporting document’s reference number. In case of transit to a special fiscal territory, or the export procedure is followed by a transit movement, enter the MRN number of the export declaration.

  • 12 01 002 000 – Type
    Enter the document type. This information is mandatory if the goods are transited to a special fiscal territory or the export is followed by transit. Applicable document codes can be found in Tulltaxan (TARIC).
    Tulltaxan (TARIC) – Code Lists.

    Please note that code N830 can only be used to refer to exports issued in an EU country. Document code N830 should be used when a reference to an export declaration is given. This code is not included in Tulltaxan (TARIC) under data element 12 01 002 000, but should still be used. References to export declarations from non-EU countries, such as Norway, should instead be entered under 12 03 000 000 ‘Supporting documents’ with code NZZZ.
  • Write-off
    The following four Data Elements should only be used when writing off a temporary storage declaration. This information is currently not mandatory.

    • 12 01 003 000 – Type of package
      Enter the code specifying the type of package relevant for writing-off the number of packages

    • 12 01 004 000 – Number of packages
      Enter the relevant writing-off number of packages.

    • 12 01 005 000 – Measurement unit and qualifier
      Enter the relevant writing-off measurement unit and qualifier.

    • 12 01 006 000 – Quantity
      Enter the relevant writing-off quantity.

  • 12 01 079 000 – Complement of information
    This is an optional Data Element where you can provide any complementary information related to the ‘Previous document’.

  • 12 01 007 000 – Goods item identifier
    If you referred to an e-AD or used a fall-back procedure for the movements of excise goods, enter the unique reference number here.

12 02 000 000 – Additional information

During the transition period, information shall only be filed at House consignment item level. Enter code 30600 at House consignment item level.

In some cases, you may use this data group to provide additional information, using a code. The codes consist of five characters.

This information should be provided at the Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration.

If the information applies to an individual item, it should be provided at the corresponding House consignment item.

Please note that the code 30600 – Consignee unknown, may not be used when the country of destination is party to the transit convention. In this instance, please file the information at Master consignment level.

Enter the following information:

  • 12 02 008 000 – Code
    The following codes are applicable:
    Codes for data element 12 02 008 000 – Code



    Additional information


    Export from one common transit country subject to restriction or export from the Union subject to restriction.


    Export from one common transit country subject to duties or export from the Union subject to duties.





    Situations where negotiable bills of lading that are ‘to order blank endorsed’ are concerned, in the case of exit summary declarations, where the consignee details are unknown.

    "Consignee unknown"

  • 12 02 009 000 Text
    Enter any other information related to the above codes in this free-text box. If no code is given in 12 02 008 000 – Code, this data element should be left blank.

12 03 000 000 – Supporting documents

During the transition period, information shall only be filed at House consignment item level.

Indicate any documents, certificates and national authorisations presented in support of your declaration. These documents may include licences, veterinary certificates, invoices, documents of origin and national authorisations.

This information should be provided at Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration. If the information applies to an individual House consignment item, it should be provided at the corresponding House consignment item.

Please note that supporting documents for EMCS should always be entered at the House consignment level.

Enter the following information:

  • 12 03 001 000 Reference number
    Enter the reference number of the document to which you refer.

  • 12 03 002 000 Type
    Indicate the document type using a code.

  • 12 03 013 000 Document line item number
    Use this Data Element to indicate a specific row in the document to which you are referring.

  • 12 03 079 000 Complement of information
    This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

    Here you can provide any complementary information related to the document to which you are referring.

12 04 000 000 – Additional reference

During the transition period, information shall only be filed at House consignment item level.

Enter any additional reference information. Additional reference information should be indicated using a Y code, but it should also be used in cases of export followed by transit of excise goods.

This information should be provided at the Master consignment level if it applies the entire declaration.

The information can also be provided at the House consignment level if it applies to all House consignment items included in the current House consignment.

If the information applies to an individual House consignment item, it should be provided at the corresponding House consignment item.

File e-AD information at House consignment item level.

Enter the following information:

  • 12 04 001 000 Reference number
    Enter a reference number, where applicable.

  • 12 04 002 000 Type
    Enter the code indicated in the latest code list.

12 05 000 000 – Transport document

During the transition period, information should only be filed at House consignment item level.

Enter a reference to the transport document that corresponds to the current transportation of the goods, if available.

Enter this information at the Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration. Otherwise, enter the information for each House consignment.

Enter the following information:

  • 12 05 001 000 Reference number
    Enter the reference number of the transport document.

  • 12 05 002 000 Type
    Enter the transport document type.

12 06 000 000 – TIR Carnet number

This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

Enter the TIR Carnet number. This information should only be provided if you entered the code TIR as Type of declaration.

12 08 000 000 – Reference number/UCR

During the transition period, this information should be filed at Master consignment level or House consignment item level, respectively.

This is a voluntary data element where you may enter your own Unique Commercial Reference (UCR) number.

Enter this information at the Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration. Otherwise, it should be provided for each House consignment. Please note that the reference number may not be the same for all House consignments if the information is provided at the House consignment level.

The information may also be provided at each House consignment item.

12 09 000 000 – LRN

Enter a local reference number (LRN).

The LRN should be unique and constructed using the format “country code+year+customs ID).

Example: SE22ABC1234567

12 12 000 000 – Authorisation

Enter any common EU authorisation, according to Annex A of the Delegated Regulation, that are required in support of the declaration, for example a consignor authorisation (authorisation code ACR).

Enter the following information:

  • 12 12 002 000 Type
    The following codes are applicable::
    Codes for data element 12 12 002 000 Authorisation – Type




    Authorisation as authorised consignor for Union transit (ACR)


    Authorisation for use of seals of a special type (SSE)


    Authorisation for transit declaration with a reduced data set (TRD). Please note that this code only can be used if you have entered code ‘1’ in data element 11 08 000 000.

  • 12 12 001 000 Reference number
    Enter the reference number of the applicable authorisation.

13 02 000 000 – Consignor

This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

During the transition period, this information can only be filed at Master consignment level.

During the transition period, even if you have several consignors, you may designate one actor at Master consignment level who is responsible for compiling the consignment.

Enter information about the Consignor(s). This information should be provided at the Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration. Where there are multiple consignors, they should be indicated at the corresponding House consignment item.

Enter the following information:

  • 13 02 016 000 Name
    Enter the name of the consignor. This information only needs to be provided if the consignor's identification number has not been provided.

  • 13 02 017 000 Identification number
    Enter the consignor's EORI number or any other third country identifier that is recognised by the EU. In the absence of an identification number, please enter the exporter's complete name and address.

  • 13 02 018 000 Address
    Only provide address information if you have not provided the consignor's EORI number or other third country identifier that is recognised by the EU.

    • 13 02 018 019 Street
      Enter the street and, where applicable, house number. 13 02 018 021 Postal code
      Enter the postal code.
    • 13 02 018 022 City
      Enter the city.
    • 13 02 018 020 Country
      Enter the country code.
  • 13 02 074 000 Contact person
    Here you may provide information about a contact person. This information is optional, but we recommend that you provide this information, as current contact information may facilitate the expedient processing of your case. Name and telephone information are mandatory. You may also choose to provide an e-mail address.

    • 13 02 074 016 Name
      Name of the contact person.

    • 13 02 074 075 Telephone number
      The contact person's telephone number.

    • 13 02 074 076 E-mail address.
      The contact person's e-mail address.

13 03 000 000 – Consignee

During the transition period, information on multiple consignees may only be provided at House consignment item level.

Provide information about the consignee or consignees.

If the transit concerns a consignment to an single consignee, the information should be filed at the Master consignment level.

If there are multiple consignees, the information should be filed at the House consignment level and may not be the same for all House consignments.

If you have indicated that the transit declaration is not combined with an entry summary declaration or exit summary declaration (code 0), or if you have indicated that the transit declaration is combined with an entry summary declaration (code 1) in data element 11 07 000 00 and provided consignee information at the Master consignment level, you may not provide any consignee at the House consignment level.

If you entered 30600 ‘Unknown consignee’ in data element 12 02 008 000, you may not enter any consignee at either the Master consignment or House consignment level.

Enter the following information:

  • 13 03 016 000 Name
    Enter the name of the Consignee. This information only needs to be provided if the consignee's identification number has not been provided.

  • 13 03 017 000 Identification number
    Enter the consignee's EORI number or any other third country identifier that is recognised by the EU. In the absence of an identification number, please enter the exporter's complete name and address.

  • 13 03 018 000 Address
    Only provide address information if you have not provided the consignee's EORI number or other third country identifier that is recognised by the EU.

    • 13 03 018 019 Street
      Enter the street and, where applicable, house number.

    • 13 03 018 021 Postal code
      Enter the postal code.

    • 13 03 018 022 City
      Enter the city.

    • 13 03 018 020 Country
      Enter the country code.

13 06 000 000 – Representative

Always enter information when acting as representative.

Companies acting as representiatives must be established in the EU or Norway.

Representatives may not be the same person as the person responsible for the transit procedure in data element 13 07 000 000.

Enter the following information:

  • 13 06 017 000 Identification number
    Enter the EORI number or TCUIN code of the representative.

  • 13 06 030 000 Status
    Enter the code for the representative’s status. Only code 2, direct representation, may be used.

  • 13 06 074 000 Contact person
    Here you may provide information about a contact person. This information is optional, but we recommend that you provide this information, as current contact information may facilitate the expedient processing of your case.

    • 13 06 074 016 Name
      Name of the contact person.

    • 13 06 074 075 Telephone number
      The contact person's telephone number.

    • 13 06 074 076 E-mail address.
      The contact person's e-mail address.

13 07 000 000 – Holder of the transit procedure

Enter information about the holder of the transit procedure.

Enter the following information:

  • 13 07 016 000 Name
    Provide the full name of the holder of the transit procedure. This information only needs to be provided if the holder's identification number has not been provided.

  • 13 07 017 000 Identification number
    Provide the EORI number or TCUIN code of the holder of the transit procedure. In the absence of an identification number, please enter full name and address information

  • 13 07 078 000 Identification number of the TIR Carnet holder
    This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

    Enter an EORI number if the Declaration type is ‘TIR’. Otherwise, this information should not be included.

  • 13 07 018 000 Address
    Provide the full address of the person responsible for the transit procedure. This information only needs to be provided if the responsible person's identification number has not been provided.

    • 13 07 018 019 Street
      Enter the street and, where applicable, house number.

    • 13 07 018 020 Country
      Enter the country code.

    • 13 07 018 021 Postal code
      Enter the postal code.

    • 13 07 018 022 City
      Enter the city.

  • 13 07 074 000 Contact person
    Here you may provide information about a contact person. This information is optional, but we recommend that you provide this information, as current contact information may facilitate the expedient processing of your case. Remember to provide both a name and a phone number. You may also choose to provide an e-mail address.

    • 13 07 074 016 Name
      Name of the contact person.

    • 13 07 074 075 Telephone number
      The contact person's telephone number.

    • 13 07 074 076 E-mail address.
      The contact person's e-mail address.

13 14 000 000 – Additional supply chain actor

This optional data element may be used to name additional supply actors with AEO authorisation or a corresponding certification within the framework of a trade arrangement. Enter their roll code and identification number.

This identification number should either be an TCUIN code or an EORI number.

This information should be entered at the Master consignment level, if it applies to the entire declaration, at the House consignment level if it applies to a specific House consignment or at the House consignment item level if it applies to a specific House consignment item.

Enter the following information:

  • 13 14 031 000 Role
    Enter one of the following role codes:
    Role codes for data element 13 14 031 000






    Freight Forwarder




    Warehouse Keeper

  • 13 014 017 000 Identification number
    Enter an TCUIN code or an EORI number.

15 11 000 000 – Limit date

If you are an authorised consignor, enter the deadline for presenting the transit at the customs office of destination.

16 03 000 000 – Country of destination

Use an applicable Union code to indicate the final country of destination of the goods.

Enter this information at the Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration. Otherwise, enter the information for each House consignment. Please note that the reference number may not be the same for all House consignment items.

16 06 000 000 – Country of dispatch

This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

During the transition period, this information should be filed at Master consignment level or House consignment item level, respectively.

This information should be provided when the declaration type is TIR, but not for other types of transit declarations.

Enter the country where the TIR consignment originated and the TIR Carnet was dispatched.

Enter this information at the Master consignment level if it applies to the entire declaration. Alternatively, provide information for each House consignment. This information can also be provided at the House consignment item level. However, please note that it may not be identical for all House consignment items.

16 12 000 000 – Country of routing of the consignment

This information is mandatory during the transition period, if the transit declaration is combined with an entry summary declaration and/or exit summary declaration. In all other cases, this information should not be included.

This entry is mandatory if you have declared a binding itinerary (code ‘1’ in data element 16 17 000 000) or if you combine the transit declaration with an entry summary declaration and/or an exit summary declaration (code ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’ in data element 11 07 000 000). In all other cases, this information is optional.

Indicate the countries through which the goods are transported. Begin with the country of dispatch and end with the country of destination.

Enter the following information:

  • 16 12 02 000 Country
    Enter country codes in chronological order.

16 13 000 000 – Place of loading

This information is mandatory during the transition period, if the transit declaration is combined with an entry summary declaration or exit summary declaration. In all other cases, this information should not be included.

Indicate the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage.

This should not be confused with the ‘Location of goods’, which is entered in a separate data element.

Enter the following information:

  • 16 13 036 000 UN/LOCODE
    Where applicable, this is where you enter a UN/LOCODE for the place of loading. You will then not be required to enter any information about country or location below.

  • 16 13 020 000 Country
    If a UN/LOCODE has not been provided, please enter the country code of the country of loading.

  • 16 13 037 000 Location
    If a UN/LOCODE has not been provided, please enter the name of the location of loading as specifically as possible.

16 15 000 000 – Location of goods

Enter the location where your goods will be declared and made available for inspection.


For a simplified procedure, please indicate the following:

  • Type of location: B
  • Qualifier of identification: X
  • Economic operator: EORI number
  • Location identifier: Location code

Enter the following for the normal procedure:

  • Type of location: A
  • Qualifier of identification: V
  • Location identifier: Customs office identifier

Enter the following information:

  • 16 15 045 000 Location type
    Enter location type:
    A – Designated location
    B – Authorised place

  • 16 15 046 000 Qualifier of identification
    V – Customs office identifier
    X – EORI number

  • 16 15 047 001 – Customs office reference number
    Enter the reference number of the customs office.

  • 16 15 051 017 Economic operator
    Enter the EORI number

  • 16 15 053 000 Continuation form (location code)
    Enter your location of goods code

16 17 000 000 – Binding itinerary

In some cases, the goods may only be transported following a specific itinerary.

Enter one of the following codes:

  • Code 0, if the goods are not required to follow a binding (prescribed) itinerary.
  • Code 1, if the goods are required to follow a binding (prescribed) itinerary. Indicate the itinerary using country codes in data element 16 12 000 000 Country of routing of the consignment.

17 03 000 000 – Customs office of departure

Enter the customs office where the transit starts.

Enter the following information:

  • 17 03 001 000 – Reference number
    Enter the reference number of the customs office. All customs office numbers can be found in the EU customs office list.

17 03 001 000 – Reference number

Enter the reference number of the customs office. All customs office reference numbers can be found here.

If you are an authorised consigner using the simplified procedure, please use the reference number for Malmö, SE000050.

17 04 000 000 – Customs office of transit

The customs office of transit is a customs office located at the place of entry or exit to the contracting party.

This information is required if ‘Declaration type’ is T2, or the transport passes a non-Union common transit country.

If the ‘Declaration type’ is TIR, the information should be omitted.

The following table showed various options for common transit and Union transit respectively.

Option for common transit and Union transit respectively

Common transit

Union transit

Place of entry

  • to a treaty state.
  • to the customs territory of the Union, when goods in a transit movement have passed the territory of a third country.

Place of removal

  • from a treaty state, when the goods leave the customs territory of that treaty state in transit via a border between that treaty state and a third country.
  • from the customs territory of the Union, when the goods leave that customs territory in transit via the border between a Member State and a third country other than a country under common transit.



In cases where the goods are transported via a third country that is included in the common transit procedures, the competent customs office of entry in the third country should be entered as the first (1) customs office of transit. The authorised customs office when re-entering the Union should be entered as the second (2) customs office of transit.

SE –> DE –> CH –> AT

Customs office of transit (1) when entering Switzerland or (2) when entering Austria.

For a current list of non-Union common transit countries, please visit the website of the European Commission.

Enter the following information:

  • 17 04 001 000 Reference number
    Enter the reference number of the customs office.

17 05 000 000 – Customs office of destination

Enter the customs office where the transit operation shall end.

For TIR, this must be a customs office in the EU.

Enter the following information:

  • 17 05 001 000 Reference number
    Enter the reference number of the customs office.

18 01 000 000 – Net mass

This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

Enter the net mass of your goods in kilograms. The unit 'kg' should not be indicated. The net mass indicates the goods' mass without any packaging.

When the net mass exceeds 1 kg and includes a fraction of a kg, it may be rounded as follows:

  • Between 0.001 and 0.499 kg: downwards (to the closest whole kg).
  • Between 0.5 and 0.999 kg: upwards (to the closest whole kg).

We recommend that any net mass exceeding 1 kg be rounded to the closest integer. When the net mass is less than 1 kg, it may be provided with up six decimal points.

Please note that decimals are indicated with the period (.).

When referring to a previous document in the form of an export declaration (code N830 in data element 12 01 000 000 ‘Previous document’), information about net mass is mandatory.

Please omit this information when using a reduced dataset.
In all other cases, net mass is optional.

18 02 000 000 – Supplementary units

Consult Tulltaxan (TARIC) to see if the commodity code is subject to supplementary units. Use this field if the goods should be measured as units, litres, cubic metres etc. In all other cases, this information is optional.

Provide this information as a numerical value. You can enter up to six decimal places.

18 04 000 000 – Gross mass

Enter the gross mass of the goods in kilograms.

The gross mass is the total mass of the goods, including any packaging, but excluding containers and any other transport equipment.

  • When the gross mass exceeds 1 kg and includes a fraction of a kg, it may be rounded as follows:
    • Between 0.001 and 0.499 kg: downwards (to the closest whole kg);
    • Between 0.5 and 0.999 kg: upwards (to the closest whole kg).

  • When the gross mass is less than 1 kg it should be written with up to six decimals, for example 0.123 kg for 123 grams or 0.000654 for a package weighing 654 mg.

Provide the information for each House consignment item, except in cases where the goods are packaged in a manner that makes the determination of the gross mass impossible on the goods item level. In such cases, the gross mass of the entire consignment may be entered at House consignment level.

If no packages were declared at the House consignment item level, the gross mass of this House consignment item should be 0. However, at least one House consignment item under each House consignment should have a gross mass exceeding 0.

The gross mass entered at Master consignment level should have the same mass or higher than the sum of all goods on House consignments.

18 05 000 000 – Description of goods

Write a description of your goods, i.e., the normal trade description of your goods. This should be sufficiently detailed to classify the goods.

It is important that the description is clear and that you do not use generic terms such as ‘parts’, ‘machines’ or ‘clothes’.

18 06 000 000 – Packaging

This is where you should enter information about the type of packages, number of packages and their shipping marks.

  • 18 06 003 000 Type of packages
    Enter the code that corresponds to your type of package, e.g. boxes. Packaging codes can be found in Tulltaxan (TARIC).

  • 18 06 004 000 Number of packages
    Enter the number of packages for packaged goods and number of parts for unpackaged goods.

    • If you entered VG, VL, VO, VQ, VR, VS or VY as the type of package for bulk goods, this data element should be left empty.
    • You may never enter 0 in this data element if your type of package was NE, NF or NG for unpackaged goods.

  • 18 06 054 000 Shipping marks
    Enter how the goods packages are labelled. This information is mandatory for packaged goods, but optional for bulk goods and unpackaged goods.

18 08 000 000 – CUS-code

If the affected goods are covered by a TARIC provision relating to a CUS code, the CUS code should be entered.

In all other cases, CUS is optional.
The CUS code is an identification number for chemical products listed in the European Customs Inventory of Chemical Substances (ECICS).

The CUS code is entered as 0000000-0.

18 09 000 000 – Commodity code

During the transition period, the information is optional, but we recommend that the commodity code is always provided at least at the six-digit level.

Enter the commodity code for the goods item.

This information is optional for TIR declarations.

Information about commodity codes and supplementary codes can be found in Tulltaxan (TARIC).

  • 18 09 056 000 – Harmonized System sub-heading code
    This is where you enter your HS sub-heading code (6 digits).

  • 18 09 057 000 – Combined nomenclature code
    Enter the two following digits that form the CN code together with the HS subheading.

19 01 000 000 – Container indicator

  • Enter 1 if the goods are loaded in containers when crossing the external frontier of the Union.
  • Enter 0 if the goods are not loaded in containers.

Note that the word ‘container’ includes semi-trailers, swap bodies as well as containers intended for air freight.

This information is optional for pre-lodged declarations. If you do not enter a code here, you cannot use any data element in ‘Transport equipment’ (19 07 000 000).

Remember to enter any corresponding container codes in data element 19 07 063 000 when entering code ‘1’.

19 03 000 000 – Mode of transport at the border

Enter the code for the mode of transport that corresponds to the active mode or transportation used when crossing the external frontier of the Union.

The following codes are applicable:

Mode of transport codes for data element 19 03 000 000 – ‘Mode of transport at the border’




Maritime transport


Rail traffic


Road traffic


Air transport


Postal traffic


Transport by fixed transport installations (only applicable to goods with TARIC codes 2201, 2709, 2710, 2711, 2716 and 2804)


Transport by inland waterways


Other means of transport (i.e., own propulsion)

19 04 000 000 – Inland mode of transport

This information should not be entered in a transit declaration with a reduced data set.

Enter the code for the means of transport that corresponds to the active means of transport used at the time of departure.

The codes for 19 03 000 000 ‘Means of transport at the border’ are applicable.

19 05 000 000 – Departure transport means

During the transition period, this information shall only be filed at Master consignment level.

Enter the identity of the means of transport at the time of departure.

This information is not required for multi-modal transport, i.e., when the transport involves several means of transport or postal consignments.

Enter the following information:

  • 19 05 061 000 Type of identification
    Enter one of the following codes:

    Codes for identification in data element 19 05 061 000




    IMO number for ship identification


    Name of sea vessel


    Wagon number


    Train number


    Vehicle registration number


    Trailer registration number


    IATA flight number


    Aircraft registration number


    European Vessel Identification code (ENI)

    The most common code for sea transport is 10, followed by the IMO number in data element 19 05 017 000 ‘Identification number’.

  • 19 05 017 000 Identification number
    Enter the identifier of the means of transport.

    The following identifiers can be used, depending on the means of transport used:

    Identification methods for data element 19 05 017 000

    Means of transport

    Method of identification

    Sea and inland waterway transport

    Name of vessel

    Air transport

    Number and date of flight (where there is no flight number, enter the aircraft’s registration number)

    Road traffic

    Vehicle and/or trailer registration number

    Rail traffic

    Wagon number

    Enter the registration number or name of the means of transport used to transport the goods. Where goods are transported by way of a trailer and a tractor, enter registration numbers of both trailer and tractor, using both identifiers. Only capital letters and digits may be used.

  • 19 05 062 000 Nationality
    During the transition period, this information should not be provided when transport means are by rail.

    Enter the country code of the means of transport at the time of departure.

19 07 000 000 – Transport equipment

Enter all container numbers to which the declaration applies.

Note that the word ‘container’ includes semi-trailers, swap bodies and containers intended for air freight.

Indicate which goods items are contained in each respective container.

Enter the following information:

  • 19 07 063 000 – Container identification number
    Here you enter the any container numbers included in the declaration. Special characters other than space and dash cannot be used.

  • 19 07 044 000 – Goods reference
    Enter the goods item post belonging to the specific container number in data element 19 07 063 000. Omit this information if there is only one container.

19 08 000 000 – Active border transport means

Using the corresponding Union code, enter the nationality of the active means of transport crossing the external frontier of the Union.

In the case of combined transport or where several means of transport are used, the active means of transport is the one which propels the whole combination. For example, in the case of a lorry on a sea-going vessel, the active means of transport is the ship. In the case of a tractor and trailer, the active means of transport is the tractor.

This information is required if the transit declaration is combined with an entry or exit summary declaration.

Otherwise, this information may be omitted in the following cases:

  • If the means of transport is the same as at the time of departure;
  • If no customs office of transit has been indicated in data element 17 04 000 000 ‘Customs office of transit’;
  • If the declaration is pre-lodged;
  • If the transport consists of several means of transport (multi-modal transport);
  • If the means of transport is ‘Post’.

Enter the following information:

  • 19 08 084 000 Customs office at border reference number.
    Enter the reference number of the customs office where the active means of transport crosses the external border of the European Union.

  • 19 08 061 000 Type of identification
    Enter one of the following codes:

    Codes for identification in data element 19 08 061 000




    IMO number for ship identification


    Name of sea vessel


    Train number


    Vehicle registration number


    IATA flight number


    Aircraft registration number


    European Vessel Identification code (ENI)

    The most common code for sea transport is 10, followed by the IMO number in data element 19 00 017 000 ‘Identification number’.

  • 19 08 017 000 Identification number
    Enter the identifier of the means of transport.

    The following identifiers can be used, depending on the means of transport used:
    Identification methods for data element 19 08 017 000

    Means of transport

    Method of identification

    Sea and inland waterway transport

    Name of vessel

    Air transport

    Number and date of flight (where there is no flight number, enter the aircraft’s registration number)

    Road traffic

    Vehicle and/or trailer registration number

    Rail traffic

    Wagon number

    Enter the registration number or name of the means of transport used to transport the goods. Where goods are transported by way of a trailer and a tractor, enter registration numbers of both trailer and tractor, using both identifiers. Only capital letters and digits may be used.

  • 19 08 062 000 Nationality
    Enter the country code of the active means of transport.

19 10 000 000 – Seal

Where applicable, enter the quantity and numbers of the seals.

Enter the following information:

  • 19 10 068 000 Number of seals
    If in data element 12 12 000 000 you indicate your authorisation for seals of a special type you must enter a value greater than 0.

  • 19 10 015 000 Identifier
    Enter the unique seal identifier.

99 02 000 000 – Guarantee type

Indicate the type(s) of guarantee used. Transit movements that begin in Sweden usually use code 0, 1, 2 or 3.

Guarantee type codes




For guarantee waiver (Article 95(2) of the Code)


For comprehensive guarantee (Article 89(5) of the Code)


For individual guarantee in the form of an undertaking by a guarantor (Article 92(1)(b) of the Code)


For individual guarantee in cash or other means of payment recognised by the customs authorities as being equivalent to a cash deposit, made in Euro or in the currency of the Member State in which the guarantee is required (Article 92(1)(a) of the Code)


For individual guarantee in the form of vouchers (Article 92(1)(b) of the Code and Article 160)


For guarantee waiver where the amount of import or export duty to be secured does not exceed the statistical value threshold for declarations laid down in accordance with Article 3(4) of Regulation (EC) No 471/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council (*) (Article 89(9) of the Code)


For guarantee not required for certain public bodies (Article 89(7) of the Code)


For guarantee furnished for goods dispatched under TIR procedure


For guarantee not required for goods carried on the Rhine, the Rhine waterways, the Danube or the Danube waterways (Article 89(8)(a) of the Code)


Guarantee not required for the journey between customs office of departure and customs office of transit - Article 10(2)(b) of the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure

99 03 000 000 – Guarantee reference

Indicate the reference associated with your guarantee when the guarantee code is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

  • 99 03 069 000 GRN
    Enter the Guarantee Reference Number (GRN). GRN is mandatory if the guarantee code is 0, 1, 2 or 4. Otherwise, this information should not be included.

  • 99 03 070 000 Access code
    Enter the access code. Access code information is mandatory if the guarantee code is 0, 1, 2 or 4. Otherwise, this information should not be included.

  • 99 03 012 000 Currency
    During the transition period, this information should only be entered if you have filled in 99 03 071 000 – Amount to be covered.

    Enter the currency code. Enter SEK if the guarantee is provided in Sweden.

  • 99 03 071 000 Amount to be covered
    Enter the amount to be covered by the guarantee.

  • 99 03 073 000 Other guarantee reference
    This information is mandatory for guarantee code 8 and optional for guarantee code 3. Otherwise, this information should not be included.
    • Provide the guarantee reference.

Additional security information

The below information should be submitted when code 1, 2 or 3 is used in data element 11 07 000 000 ‘Security’.

Information about the entry summary declaration or exit summary declaration is not required for transit to or from countries in the Security Zone.

11 04 000 000 – Specific circumstance indicator

Use an applicable code if the exit summary declaration refers to an express consignment or if the holder of the transit procedure has an AEO authorisation.

The following codes may be used.

Codes for data element 11 04 000 000 – Specific circumstance indicator




Exit summary declaration – Express consignments


Authorised Economic Operator

13 12 000 000 – Carrier

If the carrier is not the same person as indicated in data element 13 07 000 000 ‘Holder of the transit procedure’, enter the following information:

  • 13 12 017 000 – Identifier
    Enter the carrier's EORI or TCUIN number.

14 02 000 000 – Transport charges

During the transition period, this information should only be filed at either Master consignment level or House consignment item level, respectively.

This is where you provide information about the payment of the transport costs.

This information should be provided where available.

When the information applies to the entire consignment, it should be provided at Master consignment level. If you provide information at Master consignment level, you may not enter any information about transport costs at House consignment level.

Enter the following information:

  • 14 02 038 000 – Method of payment
    Enter an applicable code designating the payment method for transport charges.

    Codes for data element 14 15 046 000 – Method of payment




    Payment in cash


    Payment by credit card


    Payment by cheque


    Other (e.g., direct debit to cash account)


    Electronic funds transfer


    Account holder with carrier


    Not pre-paid

15 03 000 000 – Estimated date and time of arrival

During the transition period, the date and time of arrival in the customs territory of the Union shall be provided where the customs office of departure is not located in the Union but the customs office of transit is located in the Union.

Enter the estimated date and time of arrival of the active means of transport into the Security Zone.

16 14 000 000 – Place of unloading

During the transition period this data element is mandatory, except in cases where you have provided code "XXX" in data element ‘11 04 000 000’ Special circumstance indicator. Then it becomes optional.

Enter the place where the goods are unloaded from the means of transport used for their carriage into the customs territory of the Union. If the UN/Locode code is not available, enter the country code and the place where the goods are unloaded.

Enter the following information:

  • 16 14 036 000 – UN/LOCODE
    Enter UN/LOCODE.

  • 16 14 020 000 – Country
    Enter the country code.

  • 16 14 037 000 – Location
    Enter the name of the location.

17 06 000 000 – Customs office of exit for transit

If the transit declaration is combined with an exit summary declaration (code 2 in data element 11 07 000 000 ‘Security’) or with both an entry and exit summary declaration (code 3 in data element 11 07 000 000 ‘Security’), information about the customs office of exit for transit may be entered. Otherwise, this information should not be included.

The customs office of exit should be the competent customs office for the location where the goods leave the Security Zone for a foreign destination, located in a non-Union common transit country.

Enter the following information:

  • 17 06 001 000 Reference number
    Using the applicable Union code, indicate the customs office where the goods will leave the EU Security Zone (all EU member states, as well as Norway and Switzerland, are part of the EU Security Zone). Enter the reference number of the customs office. This may not be identical to the reference number of the customs office of transit or destination.

    All codes are available in the EU:s list of customs offices.

    The EU:s list of customs offices

18 07 000 000 – Dangerous goods

If your consignment contains dangerous goods, the United Nations Dangerous Goods identifier (UNGD) should be entered here.

  • 18 07 055 000 UN-number
    Enter the UN number.

19 02 000 000 – Transport reference number

Enter the flight number, where

  • the declaration is combined with an entry or exit summary declaration, and
  • you entered code 4 (air) in data element 19 03 000 000, ‘Means of transport at the border’.

In other cases, the information may be provided when available.

Last updated:

What is updated: Linguistic adjustment

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