Tariff File Distribution (TF)
Taric is updated each night with information from the European Commission in Brussels. As a subscriber, you can download the changes via the internet and in this way always keep your own system up to date.
Advantages of Tariff File Distribution
- Daily updating of the computerised Customs Tariff means that commercial systems can make full use of an integrated Taric database for validation and processing. This means more effective production and probably better-quality declarations.
- Historical information enables agents and companies to produce correct information in the event of revised customs declarations, for instance, without having to contact Swedish Customs.
- Future information will give companies a completely new scope for planning their import and export operations. Knowledge of future quotas and anti-dumping duties is very important for companies.
To subscribe to the Tariff File Distribution, contact the technical support.
Production files for Tariff File Distribution (TF)
Technical documentation
Tariff File Distribution Pdf, 1.4 MB.
XML-files Pdf, 1.2 MB.
Last updated:
What is updated: Technical change