Mission and Vision
Swedish Customs has a mandate from the Swedish Parliament and Government to collect customs duties, VAT and other charges. Swedish Customs is also responsible for monitoring and checking international traffic across the Swedish borders to ensure compliance with regulations for import and export.
Part of Swedish Customs’ task is also to make it easier for Swedish companies and citizens to do business with countries outside the EU, and to make it more difficult for criminal individuals and organisations to smuggle illegal goods into the country.
To set the stage for fulfilling the government´s mandate, Swedish Customs has decided on a vision.
Only approved goods make it across the border
Desired societal impacts
A more secure society
Enforced restrictions and preventing the import and export of illegal and dangerous goods protect people’s health, the environment and improves societal security.
Increased growth and welfare
Efficient customs processes contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the business sector, and correct customs duty collection helps publicly fund Sweden and the EU.
Competition on equal terms
Correct customs duty collection and preventing illegal goods from entering the country ensures competitive neutrality between businesses.
Strategic goals
Make proper procedure easy
It is easy for private individuals and businesses to follow proper procedure as early as their first contact with Swedish Customs. We offer information and streamlined services that are available where and when they are needed. When proper procedure is made easy, we prevent errors and make customs management cost effective for everyone involved.
Correct and quick handling
Businesses and private individuals who come into contact with Swedish Customs are treated with respect and are equal before the law. Matters and investigations are handled under legal security and without unnecessary delays. The efficient handling strengthens competitive neutrality and business sector competitiveness.
High risk of being discovered
The likelihood of Swedish Customs identifying and rectifying errors, fraud and smuggling in the flow of goods over the border is high. Errors are corrected and suspicions of fraud and smuggling are investigated and handled. The high risk of discovery builds confidence in the legal system and contributes to more people complying with laws and regulations.
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