EDI – System developers
Here you will find information needed for system developers that are developing a customs EDI-system or companies developing an in-house system.
When developing an EDI system, ensure that you have the needed business and technical knowledge of the customs process and the customs procedures.
A system that will communicate with the Swedish Customs’ EDI system needs to meet the technical requirements specified in the technical specifications as well as in our guidelines for security, communication and EDI messages. We also recommend that you have knowledge of the customs procedure when starting the development process.
Prerequisites for EDI communication
Before you may gain access to the Swedish Customs' test environment and send test transactions following our technical specifications your company should:
- apply for Registration for electronic communication via EDI (TVEDI)
- register a contact person for signature certificates
- receive Confirmation of registration for EDI-communication with Swedish Customs and install the passwords for the EDI party and communication party
- order and install signature certificates.
The Union Customs Code is being introduced in stages over a transition period. All EDI-systems must be adapted and investments are required in a new system support.
Approved tests for system developers
Once the final tests are approved you will receive a Decision on approved tests. An approved test means that Swedish Customs has approved that the system developers' final test for the current message was correct at the time of the test. This does not mean that Swedish Customs has examined whether the system in question has any limitations. Neither has Swedish Customs examined any other features of the system than the fact that the system is able to send and receive messages according to current technical specifications.
On request, your approved test results may be published on tullverket.se. A company is able to go through simplified tests if they conduct final tests with a system that has a decision of approved tests.
EDI –Test environment and final tests
EDI – List of systems with approved tests
More detailed information for system developers is available on the website in Swedish.
Support when developing an EDI-system
When you need advice or troubleshooting during the development phase, we recommend that:
- a system description of the system configuration and communication solution is available
- the system has exchange logs
- the system applies the terms and definitions used in the technical specifications and guidelines for declarations
- statuses, symbols etc. used in the system are clearly defined that those who buy the system can easily explain their problems in the event of contact with Swedish Customs.
Technical specifications
The technical specifications provided by Swedish Customs describes the content and structure of the EDI messages. The system your company develops must follow these technical specifications.
Guidelines for declarations
The Guidelines for declarations provide information on how to correctly fill in electronic documents. This is to be used in combination with the technical specifications.
Reference data file distribution
This web service provides opportunity to down load current code lists to be used in your own IT-system. Most codes are described in both Swedish and English, while some of the codes are only described in one of the languages.
Reference data file distribution
Reference data search system
Here you can search information about code lists if you do not need access to them in your own IT-system. The web service is available in Swedish and English.
Reference data search system
EDI Security
Swedish Customs applies a PKI-based security concept. The system your company develops must follow the security requirements.
EDI Communication
Swedish Customs provides the possibility to submit data electronically with TCP/IP over Internet. In order to do so the OFTP version 2 is used which is the latest version of OFTP. The system your company develops must follow RFC5024 that describes the protocol for OTFP version 2.
Local reference number (LRN), LRN series
All electronic messages (declarations or notifications) that are submitted to Swedish Customs should be given a LRN (Local Reference Number). The LRN should be unique (the same LRN cannot be used in different flow of messages. LRN is used as a reference number for the message until Customs has accepted the information and assigned a MRN (Master Reference Number).
LRN is given as a reference when you need to contact our IT support to inquire about a declaration or notification which has not received a MRN. LRN is also used as a reference when contacting our information service or the customs clearance offices.
The EU legislation stipulates that LRN should be used by all member states for electronic data interchange with economic operators and it is up to each member state to decide which format that should be used. Swedish Customs are using a fixed format for LRN consisting of an alphabetic portion, a numeric portion and the check digit, example XYZ000001C (C = check digit). Exemption, in NCTS (transit) the format is somewhat different, where the LRN starts with a country code and year, then follows the same format as for the other messages.
Check digit calculation for LRN Pdf, 227.4 kB.
Allocation of LRN series
When a company is granted an EDI-registration for communication with Swedish Customs they are also assigned a LRN series. The series consists of two or three alphabetic characters which should be used to generate LRN for each declaration and notifications that are submitted to Customs. When a LRN series is starting to run out the company should apply for a new series.
Test indicator
In order to be able to control whether a specific electronic message is to be sent to the Swedish Customs' production environment or the test environment, the test indicator must be used correctly. Even when receiving messages, the system must take into account the test indicator so that no confusion can occur. An omitted test indicator or the value "0" means production environment. Other valid values mean test environment (currently only the value "1" is used. For more information see the technical specification in question.
Swedish Customs recommend that you develop a system that can simultaneously handle transactions in the test and production environment on the same EDI party.
Questions or problems?
For questions or problems during the test process, contact EDI Test at edi.test@tullverket.se.
More information
We recommend that you subscribe to our news feed in order to receive up-to-date information about our EDI system.
Subscribe to the newsletter Tullnytt (in Swedish).
Subscribe to IT operational information about unplanned disruptions, planned downtime and service windows for our IT systems (in Swedish).
Subscribe to information about ongoing development projects, surveys and meetings for system developers (in Swedish).
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