Transit of military equipment and dual-use goods
For the transit of military equipment, the main rule is that the exporter needs to apply for an authorisation from the Strategic Goods Inspectorate. However, there are exceptions. For the transit of dual-use goods, the rules are reversed.
The declarant is responsible for the procedure
The person lodging a transit declaration is responsible for the transit procedure and is considered the declarant. In accordance with Article 15(2) of the Customs Code, the declarant is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data provided in the declaration.
Transit of military equipment (KM)
The main rule is that military equipment cannot be taken out of the country without authorisation. In the case of transit of military equipment through Sweden, the exporter/shipper must apply for authorisation from the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products (ISP).
Exceptions apply to the export of military equipment from the country to another country within the EEA (EU countries, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). If a transfer licence has already been issued by an EEA country other than Sweden, and the materiel is only transiting through Sweden, permission from the ISP is not required.
If you want to know more about dual-use items and military equipment, please visit the website of the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products (ISP).
Transit of dual-use goods
The main rule is that no authorisation is required from the Swedish Inspectorate for Strategic Products (ISP) for the transit of dual-use goods through Sweden. The exception is that an authorisation is required for particularly sensitive products listed in Annex IV to the Dual-Use Goods Regulation, (EU) 2021/821. In addition, the ISP has the possibility in special cases to impose authorisation requirements for the transit of dual-use goods listed in Annex I to the Dual-Use Goods Regulation, if, for example, there is a link to a weapons of mass destruction programme.
In the case of transit of nuclear substances and materials etc. listed in Annex I to the PDA Regulation (EU) 2021/821, the responsible authority is the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. Cross-border shipments of radioactive waste, nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel require authorisation both within the EU and to and from the EU.
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2023/66 of 21 October 2022 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the list of dual-use items
Pre-departure declarations when exporting military equipment and dual-use goods
If you are planning to export military equipment or dual-use items subject to authorisation, you must submit a pre-arrival notification at least 48 hours before the export. A pre-departure declaration is also required when exporting to a Member state.
More information
Pre-departure declarations when exporting military equipment and dual-use goods (in Swedish)