
Information to be submitted via the MSW

Find out what information should be submitted to Swedish Customs via the Maritime Single Window for ship’s reports.

Pre-arrival declaration

Your pre-arrival declaration should contain the following information:

  • All information included in the FAL forms 1–4:
    • FAL form 1 – General Declaration
    • FAL form 2 – Cargo Declaration*
    • FAL form 3 – Ship’s Stores Declaration
    • FAL form 4 – Crew’s Effects Declaration

Presentation notifications should be submitted for goods transported arriving directly to Sweden from a non-EU country by sea. The requirement to present goods to customs only applies to goods that are unloaded in Sweden.

The presentation notification should refer to the entry summary declaration. Additional information should be submitted in the MSW when presenting the goods to customs.

Any information that is not provided in structured form when calling at a port, will be collected in an Excel file which is uploaded to MSW Reportal. This information should be provided when unloading goods from third countries (with the exception of goods arriving from Norway). The additional information to submit include the entry summary declaration MRN, a reference to the transport document at Master and/or House consignment level, container and receptacle.

  • * The presentation notification (cargo declaration) should contain the following information about the cargo to be unloaded:
    • Reference to relevant entry summary declarations (MRN code).
    • Transport document reference at Master and/or House consignment level.
    • Container and receptacle.
    • Location of goods code (IG code) to indicate the temporary storage facilities or other place of unloading to which the goods are brought when unloaded, and a loading bill with information for the temporary storage declaration, in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2 (a) and 6 of the customs provision.
    • Date of arrival and consignee.
    • Information about the following customs procedure, customs ID for a pre-lodged import or customs warehouse declaration, NCTS MRN (transit number)
    • Quantity and unit regarding all goods to be unloaded in the port of arrival.
    • Customs status of the goods.
    • Confirmation of union status. Refer to the PoUS MRN or certify that the value of the goods is less than EUR 15,000.
  • If Sweden is the first country of entry to the European Union, you should also submit a reference to each respective entry summary declaration for your cargo. Exemptions from the entry summary declaration requirement may apply in some situations.
    Entry summary declaration.
  • Vessels arriving from Northern Ireland are exempt from the entry summary declaration requirement. Mark “Undantag från att lämna föranmälan” (Exemption from entry summary declaration) in the MSW.

From 3 June 2024, entry summary declarations and arrival notifications for maritime transport should be submitted in the new common Import Control System (ICS2).

Entry summary declaration (in Swedish).

Submitting provisioning documents with the pre-arrival declaration or later

You may choose whether submit your “Ansökan om proviantering för visst tillfälle” (Single-use provisioning application) and “Begäran om utlämning av proviant från fartygets förråd” (Release of provisions from the ship's cargo application) in your pre-arrival declaration in the MSW, or at a later stage.

If you hold a general provisioning permit, it should be handled in accordance with the conditions in the permit. Do not report it in the MSW.

One call per port

Please note that you should only report one call (in the form of a visitor ID) per port. If you already have an existing visitor ID, please continue to use it if you need to update or complete any data.

When should data be submitted in structured form and when can you attach files?

You must submit data via the MSW in a structured form, which means that the data must be machine-readable. You can submit the data directly in the MSW ship report portal or through a dedicated system.

However, some data can be submitted as attachments:

  • The cargo declaration (FAL 2) should in principle be submitted in a structured form. However, for the time being, we do not require you to submit the entire cargo manifest in this way. Submit summary information on the entire cargo and send the manifest as an attached file. The information in FAL 2 should constitute a temporary storage declaration.
  • If your vessel carries Union goods, refer to the PoUS MRN or certify that the value of the goods is less than EUR 15,000.
  • The single provisioning application can be submitted as an attachment.
  • The release of provisions application can be submitted as an attachment.

The introduction of the MSW does not remove the obligation to allow Swedish Customs to access booking information via other channels. If you have previously sent booking information to Swedish Customs by e-mail, you should continue to do so. This applies to all the information you have submitted that way, i.e. also cargo manifests.

Wait for a response from Customs

It is important that you await and check the reply from Customs. If any information is lacking, and preventing us from making a decision, we will send a request for additional information.