TIR Carnet
When transporting goods to a country outside of the EU (to Türkiye, for example) you may use the TIR transit procedure.
The TIR Convention is an international customs convention that allows you to transport goods through the signatory states, without having to declare the consignment at the border of each country. The TIR procedure is mostly used with Eastern European countries that are not in the EU (e.g. Türkiye and Ukraine), parts of the Near and Middle East, and reaches also out to North Africa. TIR is the French acronym for Transports Internationaux Routiers (International Road Transport).
Request a TIR Carnet
You can request a TIR Carnet from the Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies. The TIR Carnet serves as both a transit declaration and a guarantee for the goods to which it applies. A €100,000 guarantee applies to the TIR Carnet within the EU. Remember that your vehicle must be approved for the TIR transit procedure, in accordance with the TIR convention. You need approval from the Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies, as well as from Swedish Customs.
Request a TIR Carnet from the Swedish Association of Road Transport Companies