
Transhipment of goods in transit

When transhipping in transit, there are things you need to pay particular attention to. A customs seal must not be broken without the authorisation of the customs authority where the means of transport is located. Even when transporting without a customs seal, there are things to consider in particular.

A customs seal is a seal that is entered on the transit declaration. It can be placed and affixed by a customs authority or an authorised consignor who is authorised to use a special type of seal (SSE).

Customs seals

In the case of transhipment of goods that have been sealed, contact Swedish Customs digitally by following the instructions on the page Handling incidents during transit. This also applies in the event that, for example, an accident or theft has occurred.

No customs seals

If the goods are transhipped from one unsealed means of transport to another means of transport, the carrier does not need to report the goods or the transit to Swedish Customs digitally as an incident.

Instead, the carrier can notify the subsequent transit or destination customs office of the new information about the means of transport, i.e. the registration number of the trailer and/or tractor unit. The carrier must clearly note the details of the new means of transport on the transit accompanying document.

Change of tractor unit

In the case of a change of tractor unit, the carrier can also notify the subsequent customs office of transit or destination of the new data instead of reporting it digitally. The carrier should clearly note the new tractor unit details on the transit accompanying document (TAD) and the customs official enters these details in the NCTS.