Dog smuggling
Dogs are not the same as all other goods. Never buy a dog (whether in Sweden or abroad) without meticulously checking its background.
As a dog buyer, you can help to stop dog smuggling by meticulously checking the background of your dog(s). In this way, you help to stop animal suffering and ensure that contagious diseases do not enter Sweden.
For onward sale in Sweden at considerably higher prices, dogs are sometimes bought in countries where prices are lower than here. Smuggling often involves separating puppies from their mothers too early and forcing them to undertake long and arduous journeys. Furthermore, they are seldom vaccinated and dewormed. Consequently, they may have both rabies and tapeworm.
Things to consider when buying dogs
Any person buying a Swedish puppy must always request purchase documents. The documents must state where the dog comes from, who is selling it and that the dog; has been examined by a vet; has had its basic vaccinations; and, is healthy. To check that the puppy has been raised in Sweden, the person should also request a visit to the mother dog in its home environment. Dogs over four months old must be ID marked (chipped). Pedigree dogs must be supplied with a pedigree chart.
Any person wishing to buy a dog that was born abroad and imported should contact the foreign breeder to ensure that absolutely everything is in order. The Swedish breed clubs can usually help.
Smuggling and infection risks – who does what?
The Swedish Board of Agriculture establishes terms and conditions for travelling with animals. Certain terms and conditions have already been jointly decided by the EU. These travel terms and conditions protect Sweden from dangerous diseases. If a potentially infectious animal is discovered at the border or inside the country, the Swedish Board of Agriculture decides what is to be done with the animal.
Swedish Customs checks that anyone travelling with animals complies with the relevant rules and ensures that legal proceedings are brought against animal owners and importers who breach the rules.
Animal smuggling (information in Swedish from the Swedish Board of Agriculture).
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