Future customs procedures
Rail transport
From 1 october 2024, it will no longer be possible to retrospectively clear goods arriving by rail by e-mail. From 1 October, you will be required to either pre-lodge a customs declaration in the new import system or file a transit declaration.
Goods not included by the transit procedure may be cleared after crossing the border by requesting customs clearance via an authority post box. On 1 October 2024, it will no longer be possible to retrospectively clear goods arriving by rail by e-mail, regardless of from which country the goods arrive. There will then be two possible ways to declare goods arriving by rail:
- Pre-lodged customs declaration
- Transit declaration
Pre-lodged customs declaration
To be eligible to pre-lodge a customs declaration, it must not be necessary to store the goods in a temporary storage facility or at an alternative approved location. Four border crossings will serve as designated locations where goods transported by rail may arrive. These designated locations will be published on Swedish Customs’ website.
Goods arriving by rail – Pre-lodged customs declaration
Transit declaration
The transit procedure must be used for rail transports that begin, and are intended to be discharged, in Norway, without requiring any customs procedures in Sweden. The transit procedure is also required when goods will be stored at a temporary storage facility or an alternative approved location. The same applies in cases where the goods arrive to Sweden as part of a transit procedure from Norway.
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