Entry summary declaration
How entry summary declarations will be affected by the new Union Customs Code.
Entry summary declaration
Goods entering the European Community must be declared in advance and within a specified time-frame, using an entry summary declaration. The purpose is to protect the EU from dangerous goods and comply with the increased security standards of global trade.
We are currently developing a new and improved import control system (ICS2), which features new information submission procedures. ICS2 comprises the first two steps of the import process: entry summary declaration and presentation notification of the means of transport.
The information is submitted directly to the Member State where the goods enter the Union, via Shared Trader Interface (STI) to the EU-wide system the new import control system, ICS2.
Learn more about the procedure for submitting an entry summary declaration.
How to submit information in the new import control system, ICS2.

ICS2 comprises the first two steps of the import process.
Trading with Norway and Switzerland
Norway and Switzerland are included in the EU customs security area. This means that you do not need to provide pre-departure information in the export declaration when you export goods to Norway or Switzerland.
Different actors will be affected at different times
The introduction of the system is divided into three releases, which will affect different actors at different times. The development of the third release is ongoing. Find out more about each release.
Release 1 – Postal and express consignments by air. Live since March 2021.
The first release was introduced on 15 March 2021, which included entry summary declarations for postal and express consignments by air. Currently in Sweden, only the postal distribution service is affected.
- Postal distribution service operators
- Express operators
- Implemented on 15 March 2021.
- A limited amount of information is provided for each consignment prior to loading.
Other information

Release 1 was introduced on 15 March 2021 and includes postal and express consignments by air.
Release 2 – All consignments shipped by air. Live since March 2023.
The second release was launched 1 March 2023, and includes entry summary declarations for all consignments shipped by air. Postal and express consignors, transport operators and other actors handling goods from third countries that are shipped by air in Sweden are affected.
- Postal distribution service operators
- Express operators
- Other actors involved in importing goods to Sweden by air
Launched on 1 March 2023.
- A complete set of information is provided prior to loading: a pre-loading declaration, including a minimum data set or a complete entry summary declaration, is required for all goods.
- Multiple filing has been introduced, allowing the provision of information on multiple levels, and, in some cases, multiple information providers, in the same entry summary declaration.
- The information is submitted directly to the Member State where the goods enter the Union, via the EU-wide new import control system, ICS2.
Other information
- Entry summary declaration for goods consignments transported by air
- The website of the European Commission contains information sheets pertaining to Technical preparations och New requirements for bringing goods by air to or through the EU, as well as a short informational video about release 2.

Release 2 is scheduled for 01 March 2023 and includes all goods consignments shipped by air.
Release 3 – All goods, regardless of means of transport. Ongoing
The third and final release includes entry summary declarations for all consignments, regardless of their means of transport. Postal and express consignors, transport operators and other actors transporting goods from third countries to the European Union will be affected.
- Postal distribution service operators
- Express operators
- Other actors involved in importing goods to Sweden by air, water and land.
- 3 June 2024 – 4 December 2024 Maritime and inland waterway carriers
- 4 December 2024 – 1 April 2025 Maritime and inland waterway house level filers
- 1 April 2025 – 1 September 2025 Road and rail carriers
- A complete set of information is provided for each consignment.
- The information is submitted directly to the Member State where the goods enter the Union, via the EU-wide system the new import control system, ICS2.
Other information
- EU:s information about ICS2 fas 3 and the fact sheet "How to prepare".
- A short promotion video
- Find project information about release 3 on the website of the European Union.
- Documents and learning material on the website of the European Union (material is published continuously).
- For questions about ICS2 release 3, please contact us via our web form.
- For technical support, please contact us via our web form Technical problems.

Release 3 will be introduced in three steps, beginning in June 2024.
How to connect to ICS2
In order to connect to ICS2 and to submit entry summary declarations, the Economic Operator (EO) can choose the following options for filing:
- Use EO system compatible with the ICS2 Release 3 specifications (the EO has successfully completed self-conformance testing). More information on How to submit information in the new import control system, ICS2.
- Use of the ITSP system compatible with the ICS2 Release 3 specifications (the ITSP has successfully completed self-conformance testing). More information on How to submit information in the new import control system, ICS2.
- Use the STI STP (interface developed by DG TAXUD) to lodge the ENS filings and/or arrival notifications. The EO must have an EORI number and successfully log into EUCTP (STI-STP) via UUM&DS authentication and identification. Fill in all the necessary data, according to the Common Functional System Specifications. Via the interface, you can also verify the status of submitted declarations or notifications, make changes, as well as receive notifications and manage notification preferences. Link to application (the information is in Swedish).
Regardless of ENS filing option all EO should:
Subscribe to ICS2 IT-maintenance announcements in order to receive information about ICS2 components outage and unavailability, for both production environment and conformance environment.
Create your subscription here (the information is in Swedish).
How to apply for a postponement date
From 3 June 2024, entry summary declarations and presentation notifications for means of transport in maritime and inland waterway transports must be submitted in ICS2. If you are not ready by 3 June, you must apply for a postponed date.
Apply for a postponement date in the Member State in which the company is registered. Companies with a Swedish EORI number are asked to fill in the information in the document Request for ICS2 R3 Deployment Window and email it to ics2.helpdesk@tullverket.se.
Request for ICS2 R3 Deployment Window (worddocument) Word, 18 kB.
Please note that you must state the company's "Role in ICS business process" as one of the following options: maritime carrier, maritime house filer, road carrier, rail carrier. It is possible to combine, for example, "ship agent" as a role as long as it is specified whether it is for carrier or house filer. For more information on what each role entails, see documentation provided by the European Commission: mainly the document ICS2-HTI-definitions.
The date for postponement and go-live must be within the timeframe set by the European Commission. Read more on the European Commission's website.
Frequently asked questions about entry summary declarations and ICS2
Frequently asked questions about entry summary declarations and ICS2.
Schedule for the introduction of the new import control system.

Klick on the image to enlarge.
Coordination and cooperation
Swedish Customs’ development section is engaged in dialogue with representatives from the aviation and shipping industries.
Information from the European Commission
Last updated:
What is updated: Technical change