
Future customs procedures

NCTS, Release 5

This page contains all the necessary information about Release 5 of the NCTS with transitional rules.

Release 5 with transitional rules of the NCTS will apply throughout 2024. From 2025, Release 5 of the NCTS will apply in all countries.

No new final tests are required, but you can create your own tests using the basic data available in the business test environment.

Business test environment, NCTS (in Swedish)

Transit Accompanying Document (TAD/TSAD) in the NCTS, Release 5

The Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) and the Transit Security Accompanying Document (TSAD) will be redesigned as a consequence of the new information requirements in Release 5. For example, text box numbers will be replaced with data elements.

The final versions of TAD/TSAD will be published as soon as they are available.

Technical specifications

Technical specifications for Release 5 of the NCTS (in Swedish)

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