Submitting electronic export declarations
To send your declarations electronically, you need authorisation from us. You can choose between two systems: EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or TID (Customs Internet Declaration).
With EDI you communicate directly with our data processing system, TDS. You need special software that works together with your business IT system. The information required in the export declaration will be drawn from your IT system to be included in an electronic document that you send to TDS.
If you have a large number of customs declarations, EDI is a good alternative. With TID, you submit declarations via the Internet by entering your information in an electronic form. TID is primarily intended for traders with few declarations.
How does the export clearance procedure work?
When you have completed the electronic export declaration, you send it to Customs, using an electronic message called UNU. The declaration will then be assigned a unique reference number, a Customs Identification Number (tull id).
You must then request clearance, which means that you have your goods released for export. This is done at the customs office responsible for the location where the goods are loaded or packed for export, the customs office of export. The goods must be available for examination.
You request clearance by giving us a written notification of your Customs Identification Number. If you have goods for which an authorisation is required, you must also be able to show us an export licence or equivalent document.
When the customs office has accepted your declaration and cleared your goods, you will receive an Export Accompanying Document, EAD, which you take to the customs office where the goods leave the EU customs territory, the customs office of exit.
The customs office of export is the customs office where you submit your export declaration.
The customs office of exit is the customs office where your goods leave the EU customs territory.
What happens when the goods leave the EU?
When the goods arrive at the customs office of exit, you present the EAD. This document shows that the export has been cleared by Customs. The
customs office of exit checks that all goods declared for export actually leave the EU, and reports back to the customs office of export whether they have observed any irregularities or whether the goods have satisfactorily left the EU.
Proof of export
If you need evidence that the goods have left the EU, you enter the code 30400 in the box Additional information/Code in the export declaration.
In case of direct export, the customs office of exit will endorse the EAD. This is your proof that the goods have left the EU. The EAD is handed back
to the person present at the customs office of exit, usually the driver or the forwarding agent. It is up to you to arrange that the document is returned to you.
If you have no one to collect it from the customs office of exit, you can enclose a selfaddressed, stamped envelope. You may need this copy when you export goods under outward processing arrangements or temporary exportation, for example, in which case an evidence of exit will be required.
In case of indirect export, equivalent procedures are carried out electronically in the Export Control System (ECS). You will receive the evidence that your goods have left the EU by mail from the customs
office of export. Please note that this evidence will only be sent to you if you have entered the code 30400 in the export declaration, and not until the customs office of exit has notified the customs office of export electronically that the goods have left the EU.
Direct export means that your goods leave the EU from the country where you declared them for export. In other words, the customs office of export and the customs office of exit are situated in the same country.
Indirect export means that your goods leave the EU from another country than where you declared them for export. I.e. the customs office of exit is situated in another country than the customs office of export.
The Export Control System (ECS) makes it possible to transfer information on export shipments electronically between the Member States. The customs office of export sends details of the shipment in advance to the specific customs office of exit you have indicated in the export declaration. The customs office of exit reports back to the customs office of export.
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What is updated: Technical change