Local clearance procedure
Since 1 May 2016, you can no longer apply for this authorisation, and all existing authorisations are being reassessed by Swedish Customs. If you hold a valid authorisation granted before 1 May 2016, you can continue to use this until it has been reassessed, however no longer than 1 May 2019.
If you do not hold an authorisation but wish to know more about your options, please contact us for further information.
The local clearance procedure is a simplified procedure that makes the handling of customs formalities easier and more efficient. To use this procedure, you need an authorisation from us. If you are authorised to use this procedure, you are called an approved exporter. The authorisation enables you to carry out the export procedures at your own premises, or at other places designated or approved by Customs.
When you send the export declaration via EDI or TID by the specific electronic message UGE, this includes a request for clearance of the goods. The goods must be available for examination when we receive the declaration. You must also indicate in the declaration where you are going to load the goods. To do this you enter a special code, a location of goods code (godslokalkod), which you receive with your authorisation to use the local clearance procedure. This way we know where the goods are in case we want to examine them.
When you receive a reply message from TDS that the customs transaction has been cleared, you may dispatch the goods. You print the export accompanying document yourself, and arrange for it to be presented to the customs office of exit.
Extended authorisation for the local clearance procedure
If you send your goods for direct export from Sweden, you can generate a proof of clearance from TDS. To do that, you send an electronic message called extended UGE. When you send an extended UGE, a message called ZKB is generated. This is a proof of clearance that replaces the EAD. Information that an export declaration has been cleared is transferred electronically to a defined recipient, which can be a port or airport of shipment.
To be able to send an extended UGE, you first need to apply for permission. If you send your export declarations by EDI, you also need to perform mandatory system tests and be granted an operating permit before you can start using the message. The recipients of ZKB messages, on their part, must be authorised with us to receive this proof of clearance.
Last updated:
What is updated: Technical change