Preferential treatment in Tulltaxan (TARIC)
Use Tulltaxan (TARIC) to verify if you can request preferential treatment of goods. This includes how to find information about preferential treatment in Tulltaxan (TARIC).
Enter Tulltaxan, click Åtgärder (Actions) and Sök varukod (Search commodity code). Enter your goods’ commodity code (varukod) and the country code (landkod) for the country from which you are importing. If “preferenstull” (preferential customs duty) or “preferenskvot” (preferential quota) are shown in the left-hand column under Åtgärdstyp (Action type), your goods may be eligible for preferential customs treatment.
You need to be aware that GSP, AVS or ULT countries must meet their notification duty for goods originating from those countries to be eligible for preferential treatment. The code list shows which countries are included in GSP, ACP and ULT.
Countries included in GSP, ACP and ULT
The code list shows which countries are included in GSP, ACP and ULT.
Select the code type Grupper av länder och regioner (Country and region groups). Then select one of the country group codes for GSP (2005, 2020 or 2027), ACP (1032, Economic Partner Agreements) or ULT (2080). This will generate a list of countries included in each country group code.
Notification duty and countries that have failed to meet their obligation.
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