Re-exportation after inward processing
Upon completion of inward processing and re-exportation of goods, you are required to submit a re-export declaration. It is necessary to enter the correct codes in the declaration to receive an export certificate of the goods.
Re-export declaration
The declaration should be submitted electronically via EDI or TID to Swedish Customs’ Data System.
A customs clearance request should be submitted at the customs clearance office (customs office of export) responsible for supervising the exporter’s place of establishment or the location where the goods are packed or loaded to be shipped for export or from an approved location where the goods are loaded for export.
Approved places for export (in Swedish).
Consider the following when submitting information about re-exports in data element 31 of your declaration
Data element 31 - Description of goods
The description of the goods for inward processing must correspond to the information in the authorisation.
Data element 33 – Commodity code
The commodity code for the goods for inward processing must correspond to the information in the authorisation.
Data element 37 – Procedure
Enter procedure code 3151.
For advance exports, enter procedure code 1100 instead. This requires special authorisation.
Data element 44 – Annexes/Certificates and authorisations
Enter document code C601 and the authorisation number for inward processing.
Data element 44 – Special information
Enter code 30400. More information can be found under the title Proof of exportation below. Enter the customs ID of your customs declaration for the imported goods.
Data element 46 – Statistical value
The statistical value should be entered as though the re-exported values were manufactured entirely in the EU.
How to complete export declarations using Swedish Customs declaration guides (in Swedish).
Proof of exportation
To receive proof of exportation, you should enter code 30400 in data element 44 in your declaration, to make it clear from the EAD that you are requesting proof of exportation. To allow the customs export office to confirm that the goods have exited the EU, you are required to present your goods and EAD at the customs export office.
The proof that the goods have left the EU is established when the customs export office confirms the exportation electronically. In cases of indirect exports (the customs export office is located in another member state) it is not necessary to enter code 30400, as these exports are always completed electronically in the EU Export Control System (ECS). Please note that you are still required to enter code 30400 for shipments that may be redirected to a Swedish customs export office.
To see confirmed exports and print a certificate of exportation, you must ensure that your company has access to the Exportbevis (Proof of exportation) service on tullverket.se or the cross-authority service Mina meddelanden (My messages).
More information about proof of exportation.
Swedish Customs’ services for business.
Transiting when re-exporting
In cases where a re-export declaration has been submitted and the goods (the processed goods) are to be transited, the customs office of departure for the transit is responsible for clearing the goods for export. As an authorised consignor, you are responsible for demonstrating the transit and EAD for the re-export to the customs office of departure, to allow the customs office to clear the goods declared for re-export.
Goods under inward processing in the EU have non-Union status. Thus, you have to initiate a T1-transit procedure. You can use a location of goods code for a customs warehouse, temporary storage or an approved place of export when you initiate a simplified transit procedure.
On the transit declaration, in data element 12 01 000 000 (Previous document) at House consignment level, enter the code N830 (export declaration) and the reference to the re-export declaration for the goods. During the transition period, the data should be entered at House consignment item level.´
It is possible to transport the goods without transit to the customs office of exit. In this case, it is particularly important that the re-export declaration is confirmed on exit.
Contact your forwarding agent or your customs clearance office for further information.
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