Commodity certificate A.TR.
Commodity certificate A.TR is issued by the exporting customs authority in the context of trade between the EU and Turkey of goods included in the scope of the Customs Union agreement.
The agreement stipulates that goods in free circulation, i.e. obtained or cleared through customs in the EU or Turkey, may be imported duty free to Turkey or the EU. When exporting from the EU, the exporter should submit an export declaration. The A.TR certificate certifies that goods are in free circulation in the EU and Turkey, but is not a certificate of origin.
Request forms for A.TR. from Lamanica Logistikservice AB.
Authorisation to make out A.TR certificates
Exporters may apply for certification to make out Commodity certificate A.TR. in accordance with the simplified procedure. For this authorisation, regular exports are required and the exporter must be able to adequately demonstrate that the exported goods meet the requirements. After authorisation, the applicant will receive an authorisation number and is authorised to stamp A.TR. Certificates, using a stamp authorised by Swedish Customs.
Find out more and request an authorisation to issue commodity certificate A.TR.
How to draw Commodity Certificate A.TR.
Field 1: Complete name and address of the exporter
Field 2: Transport document number (not mandatory)
Field 3: Complete name and address of the consignee (not mandatory).
Field 5: Exporting country – Indicate the country (Sweden), do not enter the EU or the European Community
Field 6: Importing country (Turkey)
Field 7: Transport information (not mandatory)
Field 8: Notes – Use this field to add notes in accordance with the rules for certificate copies and retrospective certificates.
Field 9: Goods item number – Indicate the goods item number of the article in the certificate
Field 10: Indicate labels, quantity, number, typ and trade designation of the goods. If you do not use the entire field, please draw a horizontal line under the last row of the description and block the remainder of the blank space.
Field 11: Enter the gross weight and any other quantity of goods described in Field 10
Field 12: The customs authority of the exporting country should complete this field. However, if the exporter holds a specific authorisation, they should stamp the commodity certificate with a stamp that corresponds with the description in their authorisation.
Field 13: Place, date, signature
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