Future customs procedures
Declaration guide for presentation of goods to customs
This declaration guide describes you how to present goods to Swedish Customs.
A digital presentation notification of goods with a reference to the entry summary declaration should be submitted for goods:
- Arriving directly to Sweden by air from a country outside of the EU that are unloaded in Sweden.
- Arriving to Sweden by air from a country outside of the EU, after first arriving in an EU Member State without being reloaded or unloaded.
You are also required to present goods transported by air with proof of Union status to customs.
Find out more about Proof of Union Status on the Proof of Union Status, PoUS. page.
In some cases, goods arriving by road should be presented to customs. Find out more on the ‘Presentation notification for goods and temporary storage declarations’ page.
Presentation notification for goods and temporary storage declaration
A presentation notification of goods should contain the information provided in this declaration guide.
How to use the declaration guide
The new information system consists of data groups with corresponding classes and data elements.
The declaration guide contains descriptions of the data classes and data elements included in the presentation notification. Click on the “+” to show information about the data class and its corresponding data element.
Submitting information at diffrent levels
There are several sections in the declaration guide, indicating the level at which the information should be provided.
Any information in accordance with the new Union Customs Code is based on a data model that has been designed by the World Customs Organisation (WCO). It is designed by specific structures. According to these structures, the information should be filed on different levels.
More information about the structures can be found here: Submitting information at diffrent levels.
Enter the following information:
12 01 000 000 – Previous document
This is where you refer to previous documents using their document codes and reference numbers.
Currently, only the following codes are available. If none of the codes are applicable, the information should be omitted.
Code | Description | Comment |
N355 | Entry summary declaration | A reference to an entry summary declaration on a Master Airway Bill (MAWB) should be filed at Master consignment level.
A reference to an entry summary declaration on a House Airway Bill (HAWB) should be filed at House consignment level. |
NMRN | MRN reference | MRN for Proof of Union Status when this has been registered in the PoUS system (Proof of Union Status).
This information can only be filed at Master consignment level. |
N825 | T2L document | In cases where the goods are included in a PoUS (Proof of Union Status) that has not been registered in the PoUS system, please indicate the reference number of the relevant document.
This information can only be filed at Master consignment level. |
Enter the following information:
- 12 01 001 000 – Reference number
Enter the reference number of the document to which you refer. - 12 01 002 000 – Type
Enter the document type. - 12 01 007 000 – Goods item identifier Here, you can refer to a specific row or position in the entry summary declaration.
12 05 000 000 – Transport document
This data element includes the type and reference of the transport document used to introduce the goods into the customs territory of the Union. The transport document should be linked to the MRN or reference number indicated in data element 12 01 000 000 – ‘Previous document’ and should be indicated at the same level.
Enter the following information:
- 12 05 001 000 – Reference number
Enter the reference number of the transport document. - 12 05 002 000 – Type
Enter transport document type. Applicable codes can be found on the Codes for presentation notification for goods page.
12 09 000 000 – LRN
Enter a local reference number (LRN).
The LRN is based on the LRN series assigned to you when you registered for communication with Swedish Customs via EDI.
13 05 000 000 – Declarant
The declarant is the person who files the presentation notification. Normally, this person is also the exit carrier; however, this is not always the case.
Enter the following information:
- 13 05 017 000 – Identifier Enter the declarant`s EORI number.
- 13 05 029 000 – Communication
Enter contact information. At least one phone number or one e-mail address must be provided.- 13 05 029 002 - Type
Indicate the type code. The following codes are applicable:Codes for data element 13 05 029 002 – Type
- 13 05 029 015 Identifier
Enter e-mail address or phone number
- 13 05 029 002 - Type
13 06 000 000 – Agent
Always enter representative information when acting as a representative.
When using a direct representative, the representative must be the same as the exit carrier.
indirect agents act in their own name, but on the behalf of another. This means that the representative should act as the declarant and that only the code for the status of the representative (3) should be entered here.
Enter the following information:
- 13 06 017 000 – Identification number
Enter the representative's EORI number. - 13 06 030 000 – Status
The representative may act either directly or indirectly.
Enter- 2 for a direct representative.
- 3 for an indirect representative.
- Please note that you should not provide any other information if you have entered '3' above (indirect representation).
- 13 06 029 000 – Communication
Enter contact information. At least one phone number or one e-mail address must be provided.- 13 06 029 002 – Type
Indicate the type code. The following codes are applicable:Koder till dataelement 13 06 029 002 – Type Code
- 13 06 029 015 – Identifier
Enter e-mail address or phone number.
- 13 06 029 002 – Type
13 11 000 000 – Person presenting the goods
One of the following persons should present the goods:
- The person introducing the goods into the customs territory of the Union.
- The person in whose name or on whose behalf the person bringing the goods into the customs territory of the EU acts.
- The person who assumes responsibility for transporting the goods after they enter the EU customs territory.
One of the following persons may also present goods:
- Any person who immediately places the goods under a customs procedure.
- The holder of an authorisation to operate a warehouse facility.
When using a representative, the representative should always be the exit carrier.
Enter the following information:
- 13 11 017 000 – Identification number
Enter the EORI number of the “person presenting the goods”.
15 06 000 000 – Declaration date
Enter the date and time when the presentation notification was issued. The point in time may not be in the future.
15 08 000 000 – Date and time of presentation of the goods
Enter the date and time when the goods were presented to customs. The point in time may not be in the future.
16 15 000 000 – Location of goods
Enter the location where your goods will be declared and made available for inspection.
Exempel 1 - Arrival by air
- Type of location: A
- Qualifier of identification: U
- Location identifier: UN/Locode
Example 2 - Arrival by road across a manned border crossing
- Type of location: A
- Qualifier of identification: V
- Location identifier: COL code for border crossing from Norway
Example 3 - Arrival by road across an unmanned border crossing
Unmanned border crossings are defined as border crossings without a customs office, or where the customs office is closed.
- Type of location: A
- Qualifier of identification: Y
- Location identifier: Four-digit location code + operating authorisation reference number
Enter the following information:
- 16 15 045 000 – Type of location
Enter location type. The following code is currently available:Codes for data element 16 15 045 000 – Type of location Code
Designated location
- 16 15 046 000 – Qualifier of identification
Enter a code to identify the location. The following codes are currently available:Codes for data element 16 15 046 000 – Qualifier of identification Code
Customs office identifier
Authorisation number (operating authorisation)
- 16 15 036 000 – UN/Locode
If you have indicated code ‘U’ in data element 16 15 046 000 – ‘Qualifier of identification’, you should enter the UN/LOCODE. Ange UN/Locode.
- Applicable codes can be found on the Codes for presentation notification for goods. page
- 16 15 047 000 - Customs office If you have indicated code ‘V’ in data element 16 15 046 000 – ‘Qualifier of identification’, you should enter the customs office identifier.
- - 16 15 047 001 – Reference number
Enter the applicable customs office number.Customs office numbers for data element 16 15 047 001 - `Reference number` Customs office
Eda tullkontor
Hån tullstation
Storlien tullkontor
Svinesund tullstation
Tärnaby tullkontor
Idre tullkontor
Björnfjell tollsted
Junkerdal tollsted
Vauldalen tollsted
Åsnes tollsted
Östby tollsted
- - 16 15 047 001 – Reference number
- 16 15 052 000 – Authorisation number
If you have indicated code ‘Y’ in data element 16 15 046 000 – ‘Qualifier of identification’, you should enter the authorisation number. - 16 15 053 000 Additional identifier
If you have indicated code ‘Y’ in data element 16 15 046 000 – ‘Qualifier of identification’, you should enter the location code indicated in the operating authorisation.
17 09 000 000 – Customs office of presentation
Indicate one of the following two customs offices. All processing is centralised to these offices.
Enter the following information:
- 17 09 001 000 – Reference number - Enter code SE003033 (Arlanda) for transport by air. - Enter code SE020342 (Storlien) for transport by road.
19 07 000 000 – Transport equipment
Enter all container identification numbers included in the current presentation notification. Note that the word ‘container’ includes semi-trailers, swap bodies and containers intended for air freight.
Enter the following information:
- 19 07 063 000 – Container identification number
Enter the container identification number indicated in the declaration. Special characters other than space and dash cannot be used.
19 11 000 000 – Receptacle identification number
A receptacle is a loading unit to carry mail items.
Enter all receptacle identification numbers included in the current presentation notification.
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