FAQ - Entry summary declarations and ICS2
On this page, we answer frequently asked questions about entry summary declarations and ICS2.
Who is responsible for submitting the information?
The main responsibility for submitting an entry summary declaration lies with the transport undertaking or their agent. For example, a forwarding agent may provide information that the transport undertaking needs to submit an entry summary declaration.
When is the entry summary declaration due?
An entry summary declaration can be submitted at the earliest 200 days prior to the arrival of the means of transport.
The submission deadline depends on the mode of transportation of your goods:
- For transport by air, an entry summary declaration should be submitted prior to loading in the third country.
- Deadlines for other means of transport can be found here.
Does the consignee and/or the consignor need to do anything in order to send goods?
Consignors and consignees are not directly involved in the entry summary declaration, unless they hold additional necessary data. This information can then be requested from them by the transport undertaking.
How do you submit an Entry Summary Declarations in ICS2 ?
As an economic operator, you have three options when filing data in ICS2:
- Your own system that is compatible with the specifications for ICS2 R3. You should have successfully run the self-conformance tests. Follow the instructions in ‘How to submit information in the new import control system, ICS2’.
- An ITSP system that is compatible with the specifications for ICS2 R3. You should have successfully run the self-conformance tests for the ITSP. Follow the instructions in ‘How to submit information in the new import control system, ICS2’.
- The common STI-STP user interface (Shared Trader Interface/Shared Trader Portal). You need an EORI number and to signed in to EUCTP (STI-STP) via UUM&DS authentication and identification. Here you can enter all the necessary data in accordance with the Common Functional Technical Specification. Link to ‘Apply and declare/Online services for businesses/Entry Summary Declaration in STI/STP (in Swedish)’.
What do we need to do to connect to ICS2?
In order to be able to submit data in ICS2, the company needs to complete successful tests. You need an EORI number, access to Swedish Customs' online services and a signature certificate. Then you can schedule a test with ICS2.helpdesk@tullverket.se.
Learn more on How to submit information in the new import control system, ICS2..
In what country should we notify that we want to perform testing and/or connect to ICS2?
You should contact the country where the company's EORI was issued, for example a company with a Swedish EORI should contact Swedish Customs.
If the company does not have an EORI number, it should apply for an EORI number in the country where the first customs procedure takes place. The company should subsequently schedule system tests.
How are the tests carried out?
Manuals, learning materials and test materials can be found on the website of the European Commission ICS2 EO Self-Conformance Documentation
What is our business role? Are we a maritime house filer or a road carrier?
Your role is determined by what consignment information you manage and file.
- A Carrier is usually the person introducing the goods or the person responsible for transporting the goods to the customs territory of the Union.
- A Road carrier is usually the operator transporting the goods by road. Take, for example, a lorry transporting goods through the Channel Tunnel from the UK, via France, to Sweden. The Road carrier will provide a complete Entry Summary Declaration (ESD) with data at master and house consignment level.
- A Maritime house filer holds and files information about goods at house consignment level. They have more details about a consignment, such as information about the consignor and the consignee (e.g. name, e-mail address, telephone number) and information about the contents of the consignment (e.g. description of the goods). Examples of a House filer would include a carrier, a ground handling agent or an importer.
- A Road carrier may also be a Maritime house filer. This may be the case for combined transports, for example if a lorry transporting goods by sea from the UK to Sweden passes through France, and the goods are transported both by road and by sea. The carrier will have the Maritime house filer role and be required to file data that complements the data provided by the Maritime carrier. A Road carrier carrying out combined transport, thus holding several roles ,can start filing data before 1 April 2025 as Maritime house filer.
An operator can also hold any of these roles if they act on behalf of the Carrier or House filer:
- Notify party - party to be notified A notify party is an entity who has an agreement with and represents an air carrier or person presenting the goods, e.g., freight forwarder, ground handling agent etc. The notify party tag field is indicated in the arrival notification and is part of the arrival notification process.
- Declarant The declarant in this context is the person lodging an ENS or particular ENS filings in their own name or the person in whose name an ENS or particular ENS filing is lodged.
- Representative Any person can appoint a representative to create and lodge the ENS or particular ENS filings in the name and on behalf of the declarant (direct representation) or in the representative’s name but on behalf of the declarant (indirect representation).
Who can we contact if we need an answer or help regarding ICS2 or Entry Summary Declarations?
In the event of technical problems, such as login details to online services, error messages, registration in STI-STP, you can contact us via our contact form for Technical issues.
If you have functional questions about, for example, data filing, deadlines, process issues, online services, clarification on certificates, you can contact us via our contact form for trade and customs related questions.
If you have any questions regarding conformance testing: registration to conduct conformance tests and support during testing, please contact ICS2.helpdesk@tullverket.se
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