Anti-dumping duty and countervailing duty
Anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties are trade policy measures aimed at protecting companies in the EU from price dumping.
As an importer you may be required to pay additional customs duties on certain products or certain manufacturers, due to these trade measures. However, they also provide an avenue for recourse if your company is negatively impacted by price dumping.
If the product that you import is sold in the EU at such a low price that corresponding products manufactured in the EU suffer you may have to pay additional customs duties for the imported product. The additional customs duty can take two forms:
- Anti-dumping duty, when the exporter sells their product at a lower price than on the domestic market.
- Countervailing duty, when a country provides an export subsidy to the exporter for selling the product.
The size of the additional rate of customs duty is determined based on regulations and is applied to a specific product from a specific country or a specific manufacturer.
Are you required to pay?
You can find out if the product that you intend to import is subject to any additional duties. This information can be found in the web based search service TARIC. To find this information you need
- The product’s commodity code and country of origin
- The manufacturer’s TARIC extension code (for manufacturers with individual customs).
Find out if you are liable to pay additional customs duties in Tulltaxan (TARIC).
Report price dumping
Please contact the Swedish Chambers of Commerce if you believe that your company is negatively affected by price dumping. This is the Swedish authority which will help you report your concerns to the European Commission. If there is sufficient evidence of price dumping, the European Commission will investigate your complaint and subsequently pass it to the European Council, who will decide on anti-dumping duties and countervailing duties.
From preliminary to final customs duties
When the European Commission decides whether to apply additional duties, they may impose a preliminary anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty on the product, while the investigation is ongoing.
As the exporter, you are required to place a guarantee for the preliminary customs duty for your product. You place your guarantee by entering the fee code “A35 Preliminary anti-dumping duty” or “A45 Provisional countervailing duty” in your customs declaration.
If the European Commission does not decide to impose any additional customs duty your guarantee is returned.
If the European Commission decides to impose additional customs duties, Swedish Customs will reassess your case and charge a final customs duty amount (using the fee codes A30 for anti-dumping duty and A40 for countervailing duty respectively). Your guarantee is reimbursed when the final customs duties have been paid.
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