Export declaration containing pre-departure declaration information
Before removing the goods from the EU, you should submit a pre-departure declaration to Swedish Customs. The information about the exit summary declaration is included in the export declaration. Submit it electronically using Swedish Customs’ IT System.
The person making out the declaration is responsible for the pre-departure declaration. You may hire an agent to help you; however, you must make out a power of attorney between your company and the agent.
If you are uncertain about what information to include in your declaration, you can use our export declaration guides.
Different deadlines for different modes of transportation
When submitting an export declaration using the message type UNU, you are asking to clear your case at the export customs office. The deadline is calculated from the time of requesting clearance for your case.
Submit an export declaration using the message type UGE when your goods are packed for exportation. Print the Export Accompanying Document upon receiving the export authorisation ZEM. This is when the transportation begins.
Even if you submit your export declaration before the goods leave the storage location, you are still required to comply with the deadlines.
The deadline for your pre-departure declaration depends on the mode of transportation.
Consignments to Norway and Switzerland are exempt from the pre-departure declaration requirement, due to an agreement between the EU and Norway and Switzerland respectively.
Maritime traffic
The deadline for shipping depends on how the goods are loaded on the ship:
- Containerised cargo: 24 hours prior to loading the goods on the ship by which the goods are removed from the EU;
- By bulk or batch: 2 hours before the ship leaves the final port in the EU.
Exemptions for maritime traffic
If the goods are transported between the EU (with the exception of the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira or the Canary Islands) and Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Iceland, ports in the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean or any port in Morocco, you must submit a pre-departure declaration within 2 hours from when the ship leaves the final port in the EU.
Air traffic
For transportation by air, you are required to submit a pre-departure declaration within 30 minutes of departure from the airport from which the aeroplane exits the EU.
By road
For transportation by road you must submit a pre-departure declaration at the latest 1 hour before departure from the exit customs office.
By rail
A pre-departure declaration for consignments transported by rail should be submitted at the latest 2 hours before the goods depart from the exit customs office.
In cases of combined transportation, i.e. the goods are transferred from one mode of transportation to another, the deadline should be calculated based on the mode of transportation that exits the EU. For example, if the goods are transported by car and subsequently loaded onto a ship, you should calculate the deadline based on the provisions for maritime traffic.
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