Transit declaration
If you do not provide the pre-arrival or pre-departure information by other means — in an entry or exit summary declaration or included in the export declaration - you can include it in the NCTS (New Computerised Transit System) transit declaration.
When you submit a transit declaration including pre-arrival or pre-departure information, you have to print a Transit/Security Accompanying Document. If you plan to use this procedure, you will therefore need to check with your software supplier that your system supports this function.
Who is responsible for submitting the information?
When the pre-arrival or pre-departure information is included in the transit declaration, this information is submitted by the person who presents the transit declaration to Customs.
Where do I send the information?
A transit declaration is always to be submitted to the customs office of departure. If you wish to include the pre-arrival information in the transit declaration when bringing goods into the EU customs territory, the customs office of departure for the transit movement must be the same as the customs office of entry in the first EU-country in which the consignment arrives. When goods enter the EU, they are often entered into a customs warehouse waiting for further transport. The pre-arrival information is then provided when the goods are entered into the warehouse.
When goods leave the customs territory of the EU, and you include the pre-departure information in the transit declaration, the customs office of destination must be the same as the customs office of exit, i.e. the last customs office in the last EU country which the transport passes before it leaves the EU.
When an export procedure is followed by a transit movement, the pre-departure information should be included in the export declaration. If this is the case, you need not provide any pre-departure information in the subsequent transit declaration.
What information do I need to provide?
In addition to the data required in a transit declaration, you also need to provide the information required in an entry or exit summary declaration.
Furthermore, you need to provide the EORI numbers for some of the operators mentioned in the declaration.
When do I send the information?
Transit movement from Sweden
Maritime traffic
- Containers — 24 hours before the goods are loaded onto the vessel on which they are to leave the EU
- Bulk/break bulk cargo — 4 hours before the ship leaves the last port in the EU
Please note: If the goods are moved between the EU, on the one hand, and Greenland, the Faeroe Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Norway, Iceland, ports on the Baltic sea, the North sea, the Black sea or the Mediterranean, or all ports of Morocco, on the other hand — 2 hours before the ship leaves the last port in the EU. (This does not apply to the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands.)
Air traffic
- At least 30 minutes before departure from the airport from which the aircraft leaves the EU
Road traffic
- 1 hour before departure from the customs office of exit
Rail traffic
- 2 hours before departure from the customs office of exit
Transit movement to the EU
Maritime traffic
- Containers — 24 hours before loading at the port of departure
- Bulk/break bulk cargo — 4 hours before arrival
Please note: If the goods are transported between the EU, on the one hand, and Greenland, the Faeroe Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Norway, Iceland, ports on the Baltic sea, the North Sea, the Black Sea or the Mediterranean, or all ports of Morocco on the other hand — 2 hours before arrival at the first port in the customs territory of the EU. (This does not apply to the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands.)
Air traffic
- Long haul flights — 4 hours before arrival
- Short haul flights — at least by the time of the actual take off of the aircraft. Short haul flight = a flight that takes less than four hours from the last airport of departure in a third country to the arrival at the first Community airport.
Road traffic
- 1 hour before arrival.
Rail traffic
- 2 hours before arrival.
Further information
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