Commonly imported goods
Some goods are more commonly imported than others, such as organic products, clothes, footwear, dietary supplements and foodstuffs. Find out what provisions apply to each commonly imported product.
Ecological products
When importing organic products to the EU you are required to present a Certificate of Inspection (CoI) to the Swedish Food Authority. The purpose of the certificate is to establish that the products indeed are organic.
Foodstuffs are products that are intended to be eaten or drunk by humans. The importation of foodstuffs is regulated by a large number of EU regulations, and there are several authorities in Sweden that monitor and enforce the regulations.
When importing rice to Sweden, you need to consider customs duties, import licences and rice categories.
When importing meat to Sweden, you need to consider authorisations, licenses, registrations, veterinary inspections and any regulations issued by other authorities..
Dietary supplements
A supplement is defined as foodstuffs intended to supplement a normal diet. Dietary supplements are subject to any legislation that applies to foodstuffs.
When importing clothes, it is important to classify your product with the correct commodity code, as the commodity code determines what regulations apply to your goods.
When importing footwear, it is important to classify your product with the correct commodity code, as the commodity code determines what regulations apply to your goods.
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