Travelling with medicines
When bringing medicines into Sweden for private use, different rules apply depending on whether the medicines are being brought from an EU country or from a country outside the EU.
Any preparation that is classed as a medicine in Sweden is subject to Swedish law, regardless of whether or not it is classed as a medicine in another country.
The Swedish Medical Products Agency’s rules apply
The Swedish Medical Products Agency regulates the rules governing travel to or from Sweden with medicines and syringes. At the border, Swedish Customs checks that these rules are being complied with.
As a traveller, you can bring medicines into Sweden provided that they are intended for medicinal purposes and your private use. If the medicines are prescription medicines, you can corroborate this by presenting, for example, a written statement from a doctor or other authorised issuer of prescriptions. One alternative is for the medicines to have a pharmacy label showing your name and the name of the doctor or other authorised issuer of prescriptions who prescribed the medicines.
Similarly, if you are travelling with your pet(s)/animal(s), you may carry medicines that a vet has prescribed for said pet(s)/animal(s).
You may not carry unrestricted quantities of medicines. If you are coming from another EEA country, you may bring in no more than one year’s supply (three months’ supply if you are coming from a country outside the EEA). The EEA comprises the EU countries, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein.
If you are travelling from Sweden, it is important to be aware that, even within the EU, the rules vary from country to country. If you are unsure, contact the country’s embassy.
Narcotic medicines and certain medicines classed as doping agents
Narcotic medicines and certain medicines classed as doping agents require a doctor’s certificate or a pharmacy label on the packaging. Additionally, in certain cases, you may need a Schengen certificate. The certificate or label must state who prescribed each medicine and for whom the medicine is intended. It shall also state the medicine’s dosage (e.g. 2 tablets a day).
Medicines for use when competing in international sports events (information in swedish)
Buying medicines abroad
You may bring in medicines that you bought abroad if they are intended for private use and have a medicinal purpose. You do not have to pay any customs duty, VAT or other taxes on these. Remember that you must carry your medicines personally. All other rules for travel with medicines also apply.
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