

Transit is a customs procedure that facilitates the transport of goods across borders and through territories without paying customs duty and VAT.

You may transit any goods that may be brought into or removed from Sweden.

The person presenting goods for transit is responsible for conducting and discharging the transit correctly, as well as for the veracity of the information provided. The transited goods should be unaltered and they should be presented to customs at the place of destination within deadline established by Swedish Customs. The person presenting the goods is also responsible for the integrity of any seals and, where applicable, compliance with an established itinerary.

Transit procedures are governed by various regulations:

  1. Common transit
  2. Union transit
  3. TIR Transit

Common transit is governed by the Common Transit Convention. This transit procedure may be used within the customs territory of the Union and in any party to the Convention (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, North Macedonia, Serbia, the United Kingdom and Ukraine).

The Union transit procedure is used for transiting goods in the EU.

When transiting goods to a country outside of the EU, for example Albania or Iran, the TIR transit procedure applies. You will then need to use a TIR Carnet.

TIR Carnet

Transit procedure

About the transit procedure.

Procedure when pre-lodging a transit declaration using a simplified procedure

Procedure for transit declarations using a simplified procedure

Procedure when pre-lodging a transit declaration using the normal procedure

Procedure for transit declarations using the normal procedure

Procedures when incidents occur during transport

Registering information in the NCTS

When transiting goods, the information should be registered in the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS). To submit transit declarations electronically via the NCTS, it is necessary to register for communication via EDI.

About the NCTS.

Declaration guide

This is a declaration guide that can be used when declaring in the updated transit system, NCTS, Release 5. There are also guides for presenting goods in the context of transit movements and unloading remarks.

Declaration guide for transit, NCTS

Guide for Arrival Notification (IE007)

Guide for Unloading Remarks (IE044)

Frequently asked questions about the updated NCTS

We answer frequently asked questions about the updated transit system, NCTS, Release 5.

Frequently asked questions about NCTS, Release 5.

Handling incidents during transit

If an incident occurs when you transit goods, you must report it to Swedish Customs. This can be done using our online service. Examples of incidents may include, among others, an unplanned transhipment, an accident, a broken seal, a change of route or anything else that affects the transport.

About incident management during transit.

Transhipment during transit

When in transit, avoid reloading your goods to a different means of transport. However, if circumstances make reloading necessary, for example, due to theft or accidents, there are some considerations that must be made.

Transhipment during transit

Your obligation to place a guarantee

When goods are in transit, you are required to place a guarantee that corresponds to the costs of applicable customs duties, taxes and other charges. The guarantee is an assurance for Swedish Customs that these costs will be paid, even in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Placing a guarantee for goods in transit

Choosing between T1 and T2 transit

There are two available transit procedures: T1 transit (external Union transit) or T2 transit (internal Union transit).

Transit procedures T1 and T2

The quality of the commodity description is important

The quality of the commodity description is important when goods are in transit. A poorly written commodity description may lead to an inspection of the consignment, especially in the case of unsealed goods, which is costly both in terms of resources and time.

Commodity description in transit

Submit your transit declaration via the EDI

Transit declarations are submitted electronically via the EDI. When the information has been submitted, the case will be assigned a Main Reference Number (MRN), which serves as the ID number of the transit procedure. A print-out, known as an accompanying document, should accompany the means of transport to the customs office of designation.

Transit declarations.

Information about transitional rules

The transitional rules will apply until all countries have moved to Release 5 of the NCTS, but no shorter than until 2 December 2024. This ensures that all communications between countries using different releases will work.

Transit Accompanying Document (TAD/TSAD) in the NCTS, Release 5, with transitional rules

Document: DOCUMENT TAXUD B1 25.01.2023-V.1.1

During the transitional period of Release 5 of the NCTS, a Transit Accompanying Document (TAD/TSAD) with the same layout as a TAD for Release 4 of the NCTS should be used.

The specifications in the above document provide guidelines for the TAD during the transition period. As a transit declaration in Release 5 of the NCTS contains more data than a declaration in Release 4, all data will not be printed during the transition period.

Download a document with more information about the transition period Pdf, 531.9 kB.

Spreadsheet Excel, 47.3 kB.

Transit Accompanying Document (TAD/TSAD) in the NCTS, Release 5

The Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) and the Transit Security Accompanying Document (TSAD) will be redesigned as a consequence of the new information requirements in Release 5. For example, text box numbers will be replaced with data elements. Once the final versions of TAD/TSAD are made available, they will be published on tullverket.se.

During Release 5 of the NCTS, the current version of the Transit Accompanying Document should be used.


If you submitted a declaration in the NCTS and received an error code, you can find out what the codes mean in the lists below.

‘Error reasons’ for error messages

Error reasons for error messages

Error reasons for error messages


External description



Verification of authorisations for IE015 and IE013.


  • The authorisation number provided in ‘authorisation/referenceNumber’ is registered
  • The EORI provided in /holderOfTheTransitProcedure/identificationNumber is associated with the authorisation
  • The authorisation concerns ‘Departure’
  • The type code of the authorisation is ‘C521’
  • The customs office number indicated in /customsOfficeOfDeparture/referenceNumber is associated with the authorisation



Verification of authorisations for IE015 and IE013.



  • /consignment/locationOfGoods/typeOfLocation: "B"
  • /consignment/locationOfGoods/qualifierOfIdentification: "X"
  • The reference number
    /consignment/locationOfGoods/additionalIdentifier is associated with the authorisation



Verification of authorisation for IE077.



  • The authorisation number provided in
    /consignment/locationOfGoods/additionalIdentifier is registered
  • The EORI provided in
    CC007C/traderAtDestination/identificationNumber is associated with the authorisation
  • The authorisation concerns ‘Destination’
  • The type code of the authorisation is ‘C522’
  • The value provided in
    is associated with the authorisation


Location of goods code

Verification of location of goods code.



  • CC007C/consignment/locationOfGoods/typeOfLocation: "B"
  • CC007C/consignment/locationOfGoods/qualifierOfIdentification:
  • The value provided in
    is associated with the relevant authorisation


Enquiry procedure

Verification of whether an enquiry procedure has been initiated prior to registering the arrival of the goods. If IE007 is sent after the initiation of an enquiry procedure, IE007 will be rejected with IE057.


Error pointer till IE007 och error code 92: ‘Message out of


Functional error codes

Functional error codes

Error code






Codelist violation

Value of an element in a message is outside the predefined set of values or not part of the applicable business/technical code list. This type of error is applicable to all elements with code values, so it is also applicable to those elements that identify a message type.

Överträdelse av en kodlista

En deklarerad uppgift finns inte med i aktuell kodlista.


Condition violation


A mandatory/required element is missing in the received data following the validation of Rule or Condition , e.g. a required element is not present.

Överträdelse av ett villkor (uppgift saknas)

En uppgift som krävs enligt ett villkor saknas.


Rule violation

Överträdelse av en regel

Deklarerad uppgift bryter mot en regel.


Condition violation

(Not allowed)

An element is not allowed to have a value due to the following two reasons: The element is not allowed to be present according to some additional condition, e.g. if type of packages has the value 'UNPACKED' then number of package can not have a value (condition C0060 ).

Överträdelse av villkor (uppgift ej tillåten)

En deklarerad uppgift bryter mot ett villkor (exempelvis om kollislag är deklarerat som "NE" - oemballerat, får inte uppgift om antal kolli deklareras).


Duplicate Message ID

The same interchange is received again. Duplication is detected by reception of a message identifier that has already been received.

Duplikat av meddelande-ID

Meddelandeutbytet är ett duplikat (har redan skickats).


Transitional constraint violationAn element is not valid (value, format or repetitions) according to a Transitional Constraint [Downgrade & Upgrade Conversion].Fel som rör konvertering av meddelande


EDI violation post downgradeAn error reported by Convertor in the Technical Message Structure (EDIFACT level) validation on the downgraded message (ECS-P2/NCTS-P4 message) [Downgrade Conversion from NCTS-P5/AES to NCTS-P4/ECS-P2].Fel som rör konvertering av meddelande


Functional violation post downgradeAn error reported by Convertor in the Functional Message Structure (ECS-P2/NCTS-P4 XML or Rules/Conditions) validation on the downgraded message (ECS-P2/NCTS-P4 message) [Downgrade Conversion from NCTS-P5/AES to NCTS-P4/ECS-P2].Fel som rör konvertering av meddelande


Unknown MRN

Okänt MRN

Angivet MRN finns inte i databasen.


Message out of sequence


Detta fel kan erhållas exempelvis om deklarationen har felaktig status, i förhållande till den åtgärd man försöker göra.


Invalid MRN

The structure of the MRN is not conform specifications.

Ogiltigt MRN

Angivet MRN är inte korrekt utifrån de tekniska specifikationerna.

Felkoder för garantier i NCTS fas 5

Felkoder för garantier i NCTS fas 5


Engelskt namn

Svenskt namn


Guarantee does not exist

Garantin finns inte


Guarantee exists, but not valid

Garantin finns men är inte giltig


Access code not valid

Felaktig accesskod


Holder of Guarantee is not equal to Holder of Transit procedure in declaration

Innehavaren av garantin är inte densamma som ansvarig för transiteringsförfarandet


Individual guarantee voucher already used

Garantikupongen är redan använd


Use restriction: No suspended goods

Användningsbegränsning: Inga suspenderade varor (?)


Not valid for Country of Transit or Country of Destination

Garantin ej giltig för transit- eller destinationsland


Reference/Guarantee amounts NOT sufficient

Överskridet referensbelopp


Individual guarantee by Guarantor already used

Den individuella garantin är redan använd


Customs Office of Departure and Customs Office of Destination do not correspond (Guarantee type ‘2’)

Avgångstullkontoret och bestämmelsetullkontoret överensstämmer inte (garantityp '2')


'Declared commodity code' and 'Commodity code' in guarantee do not match

"Deklarerad varukod" och "Varukod" i garantin stämmer inte överens


The 'GRN' and the 'Guarantee type' do not match

Garantityp och garantinummer stämmer inte överens

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