Customs invoices
When importing goods without paying fees at the time of declaration, you will receive a customs invoices . There are many different ways to handle customs invoices, depending on your company’s needs.
You need authorisation for deferment of payment from Swedish Customs to pay your fees via a customs invoice, instead of directly at the time of importation. You will be registered as a creditor once you have been granted authorisation.
Your customs invoice will contain the following information:
- Your customs ID (unique number for each consignment);
- The date when Swedish Customs approved the customs declaration which is the basis for the fees;
- Monetary customs value and any fee code (each fee category has its own code);
- Amount for each consignment (per fee and in total).
How will I receive my customs invoice?
Companies applying for and holders of an authorisation for deferment of payment are connected automatic to the online service Tullräkning. Using this service, you can view and download customs invoices as .pdf files from tullverket.se. You will receive a message whenever a new customs invoice is ready for download. You can choose whether to notified by email or text message. Your customs invoice can be retrieved on the same day as it is issued.
You can also view any customs invoice issued in the last three years in the Tullräkning online service. It makes life easier for anyone working with customs matters and accounts payable. To gain access to the online service, your company needs access to Swedish Customs’ Online Services. Once your company is granted access, your permission administrator can apply access to the Tullräkning online service.
Information about the online service Tullräkning.
Other ways to receive your customs invoices:
- Customs invoices sent directly to your company’s ERP via EDI.
Information about EDIs from Tullräkning (.xml format). - Customs invoices sent in paper form by regular mail. Paper customs invoices contain less information than the aforementioned customs invoice alternatives.
Payment options for customs invoices
Customs invoices must be paid in time for the funds to be credited in Swedish Customs’ account by the Friday of the fourth week after the time of importation. This means that you have an average of 30 days to pay, counting from the time of importation.
Companies handling their customs invoices electronically receive their customs invoice the same day as it is issued.
Companies receiving paper customs invoices receive them approximately ten days prior to the payment deadline, as Swedish Customs normally send customs invoices on the Monday of the third week after the time of importation. Please contact Swedish Customs if you do not receive your customs invoices .
Paying from abroad
Companies paying their customs invoices from abroad must provide their IBAN number and SWIFT code, as indicated on their customs invoice.
IBAN is the international standard for account numbers, used to make international payments faster and more secure. A Swedish IBAN number begins with the letters SE and consists of 24 characters in total.
BIC is an international security standard, used to identify banks. A BIC code consists of 8 or 12 characters.
Paying with autogiro
Customs invoices can be paid by autogiro. To ensure payment on time, it is important that the funds are available in your account on the banking day preceding the payment deadline.
You will still receive customs invoices indicating the amount due, even if you use autogiro. The customs invoices will also indicate that you use autogiro.
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