Declaring goods for export
When exporting goods, you are always required to submit a digital export declaration to Swedish Customs. You may choose to submit it personally, or hire an authorised agent.
Different types of customs declarations for exports
There are various ways to submit your export declaration. Normally, you would submit a standard customs declaration and initiate the exportation from an approved location or a customs office. In some cases, it is possible to submit simplified customs declarations or complete declarations via entry in the declarant’s records.
Types of customs declarations for exports
Declaration guides
Here you can find guides on completing different declarations used to export goods.
Presenting goods for exportation
Once you have submitted your export declaration, you should present to goods for exportation (request customs clearance). This is done differently, depending on your choice of customs declaration.
How to present your goods for exportation in the corresponding declaration.
Approved sites of exportation
If you want to present goods for exportation from any other site than a customs office, i.e. from the site where the goods are loaded for exportation, you are required to apply to have that site approved.
Direct or indirect export
You may issue your own proof of clearance electronically, under certain conditions. The proof of customs clearance is sent electronically to a designated consignee, for example a shipping port.
Electronic proof of customs clearance
You may issue your own proof of clearance electronically, under certain conditions. The proof of customs clearance is sent electronically to a designated consignee, for example a shipping port.
Electronic proof of customs clearance for exportation to consignees in a port or an airport
Proof of exportation
In some cases, you may need to certify that the goods have been removed from the EU, using a proof of exportation.
Fre-departure declarations
When exporting goods into the EU you are required to submit an exit summary declaration to a customs authority. This means that some information about the goods should be submitted before the goods leave the EU.
Supporting documents
Attach supporting documents to your export declaration to present to Swedish Customs upon demand. The supporting documents form the basis of the information submitted in your customs declaration.
Supporting documents for exports.
Temporary export
Temporary export means that you are sending or bringing goods to a third country temporarily. These goods may include tools that are necessary to perform tasks, goods for exhibitions or sample collections.
When declaring goods for exportation, you are required to submit a commodity code. The commodity code is a numerical code that describes the commodity code and determines which provisions apply when importing and exporting the goods. All commodity codes are compiled in the TARIC Query System. When exporting, the commodity code normally consists of eight digits.
Digital declarations
Register and submit the export declaration to Swedish Customs using the Electronic Data Interchange or Swedish Customs’ Internet Declaration.
Information submitted in the Export Control System is also used to combat customs fraud.
Privacy notice for the import, export, transit (IET) directory
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