Start exporting
There is much to consider as you start exporting goods from third countries. This page describes the processes, how to access our online services, important things to consider, and how to apply for the necessary permits for exportation.
Swedish Customs’ online services
Our online services may be useful when importing and exporting. Using the online services, you can apply for various authorisations, find information for declaring VAT, change information about your company, or submit customs declarations.
Understanding each step
To start exporting, there are many steps to follow. You can follow some by yourself, whereas others may require assistance from Swedish Customs or other government agencies. This is a summary of important considerations at the start of the procedure. Please call us on +46 771 520 520 if you need assistance.
Registering as an exporter – applying for an EORI number
To trade in commodities with third countries, your company must be listed in the EU Economic Operator Registration and Identification register (EORI), and hold an EORI number. You can apply for an EORI number here on tullverket.se. It is free of charge, and most applications are processed within an hour.
Applying for authorisation from Swedish Customs
You may need certain authorisations to export goods. There are many authorisations for which you may apply; however, as you are about to start exporting, there are certain authorisations that are especially important to consider. This is particularly true if you plan to export regularly.
All available authorisations can be found in the comprehensive authorisations list.
Applying for authorisations from other authorities
You may need an authorisation or a licence from other authorities, depending on the goods that you intend to export. You are required to contact the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency when exporting refrigerators or freezers, the Inspectorate for Strategic Products or the Swedish Police Authority when exporting hunting weapons or ammunition, or the National Heritage Board when exporting objects of cultural value. Remember to check this before you begin, as the trade in certain goods without the necessary authorisation may be prohibited.
Provisions for goods with export restrictions.
Determining the commodity code of your goods – classifying your goods
Identifying the correct commodity code of a particular product is known as classifying the product. All goods have specific commodity codes which determine the rate of customs duty, applicable fees and regulations. They are also used for statistical purposes. Therefore, it is important to classify your goods correctly. You can use the query system Tulltaxan (TARIC) to classify your goods. If you find it difficult to classify your goods, please call us on +46 771 520 520.
Submitting a customs declaration – tell us what you want to export
Once you have established the criteria for your goods, you are well prepared. When exporting goods, you are always required to submit a customs declaration to Swedish Customs. Enter the exported goods and their value in the customs declaration. You can choose to submit your declaration digitally using Swedish Customs’ Internet Declaration or a system solution. You can submit your own customs declaration or hire an agent to submit it on your behalf. What matters is that it gets done. The undertaking transporting your goods may also act as your agent and assist you with your customs declaration.
Declaring goods for exportation.
Basis for the export declaration – supporting documents
Gather documents such as invoices, export authorisations, export licences and proofs of exportation, also known as supporting documents. You need to be able to demonstrate your documents upon request from Swedish Customs. Remember that the country to which you are exporting may place other requirements on the invoice and any supplementary documentation than those which apply in Sweden.
Supporting documentation on export.
Learn more
Subscribe to our newsletter and keep up to date with the latest in customs processing. In the newsletter you will find tips for declaring or classifying goods, guides for calculating customs values, advice on how to improve your customs procedures, etc. Swedish Customs also organises courses and informational sessions.
Subscribe to our newsletter: Tullnytt (in Swedish).
Find out more about our courses and informational sessions.
Exporting goods to EU Member States
In principle, goods may be moved freely between all EU Member States. Consequently, you do not need to submit en export declaration when selling goods to an EU Member State.
Exporting goods from EU Member States.
Using verksamt.se
The website verksamt.se is operated by several authorities. It contains a collection of information to consider when launching or running a business, and when trading with other countries.
Find out more about trading with other countries on verksamt.se (in Swedish).
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