
Text guide about signing in and endorsing in the PoUS system

This page contains useful information when signing in and endorsing data in the Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system.

The PoUS system (Proof of Union Status) is intended for digital customs processing of the T2L(F) proofs of Union status. This means that companies can request an endorsement of a T2L(F) in the system. Companies authorised as authorised issuer of proof of the customs status of goods as Union goods (ACP) are only required to register their T2L(F) in the system.

Swedish Customs will process the cases and a possible authorisation is given in each individual case with an associated PoUS MRN number. The customs status certificate must also be presented in the PoUS system to the customs authorities upon re-entry of the Union goods into the customs territory of the EU.

When a request for endorsement, registration or presentation is submitted in Sweden, the Arlanda customs office (SE003033) should be selected, regardless of where in Sweden the goods are located. Other practices may apply in other EU Member States, for example, countries may allow the use of national online services when submitting requests.

Sign in to the PoUS-system

Verify that you have the necessary privileges to submit applications in the system. There are ‘read-only’ and ‘submit’ privileges. The account manager will register your privileges on ‘Your profile’ in Swedish Customs’ online services.


  1. Sign in to the European Commission's Online Portal.
  2. Select “Customs”.
  3. Select “Sweden”.
  4. Select “Economic operator”.
  5. Mark the consent box (UUM&DS stands for “Uniform User Management & Digital Signature System). This is an endorsement system for information exchange between the Member States’ respective systems..
  6. Click “Send”.
  7. Use your usual credentials to sign in to Swedish Customs’ online services.
    After signing in, you will be directed to the landing page, which contains, among other things, your most recent messages from Swedish Customs.


As a representative, you must verify that you have the necessary credentials to sign in to the PoUS system via Swedish Customs’ online services for the companies that you represent. When signing in to Swedish Customs online services, you should select the company that you represent. The company that you represent should give their representatives the necessary privileges in the PoUS system to submit an endorsement or registration request.

This means that all companies should sign in as ‘economic operators’ in the PoUS system. A representative acting on behalf of a company should not sign in using their own name. Companies using representatives for PoUS via Swedish Customs’ online services should register any individual(s) from the representative that will be authorised to represent the company. In technical terms, no distinction is made between a registered person that is employed by the company or a person working for a representative.

Register an email address

Messages from Swedish Customs concerning your request will be sent in the PoUS system. Such a message can, for example, be a request for supplementary information in an ongoing matter.

You need to register an e-mail address to be notified when we have sent you a message in the system. Simply do this the first time you sign in. In preparation, you may do this immediately when you have been given access.


  • Select the circular profile icon in the top right corner.
  • Select ‘Settings’.
  • Scroll down to ‘PoUS’.
  • Register an email address by selecting the plus symbol.
  • Move the ‘E-mail notification’ slider to the right and register your e-mail address in the ‘E-mail address’ text box. Indicate Swedish or English in the ‘Language’ box. If several users from your company work with customs matters, it may be a good idea to register an email address that can be accessed by multiple users.
  • Select ‘Update’.
  • Select the envelope icon to validate your e-mail address. You will receive a validation code in your inbox. Enter the code in the verification box.

Register information (endorsement)

Boxes marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.

T2L(F) Proof Request

  • After signing in, navigate to the PoUS tab and click on ‘Create T2L(F) Proof Request’.
  • Select Sweden and the Arlanda customs office (SE003033). Arlanda should always be selected.

General information

  • Enter the LRN number, which is chosen by you. It may not contain more than 22 characters.
  • Choose the type of request that you want to create
    • 01 Endorsement request – If the company is not an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP).
    • 02 Registration request – If the company is an ACP (for T2L(F)). You will be asked to provide your
  • ACP authorisation number if you select 02.
  • Select declaration type.
    • T2L or T2LF
  • Period of validity (90 days as default). You may request an extension. The request should be justified.


  • If there are other operators involved than the applicant, this can be indicated here.
  • The ‘Person requesting proof of the customs status of Union goods’ box shows the details of the person requesting the proof. This information is automatically retrieved when you log in to the system. As a representative, you should log in to the system as a representative of a company. This company's details will appear here.
  • The box ‘Representative at departure’ is not used in Sweden. Instead, representatives log in to the PoUS system as representatives via the Swedish Customs' online services.
  • The ‘Person presenting the goods’ box is not mandatory. It may be used in cases where the information is already known at the time of submitting a request in the PoUS system.

PoUS data

At the bottom of the page, enter PoUS data about the cargo.

  • Goods shipment information: depending on the location of the goods, a location must be entered. You should also enter additional identifiers, such as EORI number, address, etc.
    • A: Designated location, e.g., a customs office.
    • B: Approved place, e.g., temporary storage
    • C: Approved place (not used in Sweden)
    • D: Other
      Additional information:
      select the plus icon and choose the corresponding code, where applicable.
  • Document (goods transport level): At least one document, either a supporting document or a transport document, is required.
    • Select the + icon.
    • Select a document category in the drop-down menu. Also enter a document reference number.
      For example, ‘N325 – Proforma’ can be used as a supporting document.
  • Goods item: Provide detailed information about the goods.
    • Select the + icon
    • Enter commodity code, description, mass and packaging information
    • After ‘Number of packages’, there is a + icon, which you should click to add the information. Then click on ‘Save’.
  • Container information: If the goods were loaded in containers, this tab should also contain information about these. The container identifier should be entered without a hyphen by the check digit. Once you have filled in the information, press the plus sign.
  • Once you have completed your application, filled in all the fields and attached all the documents, press ‘Send’. Your application will then be submitted and validated. You can also save your draft if you want to continue with the request later.
  • If you have filled in the correct information, a green box will appear in the bottom right corner ‘Request for evidence has been submitted’. You will receive a confirmation by email to the registered email address.

Next step

Customs will now validate your case. When the case is endorsed/registered, you will receive an email that you have received a notification in the system.

  • Find your case by going to ‘My proofs’. Here you can see the status of your case. You can find all cases by searching for the LRN number given when the application was submitted. If the case has the status ‘E-registered’, your T2L(F) has been validated, the MRN number has been assigned and the PoUS is ready to be used.
  • If necessary, you can print an SRD (status registration document). This document shows that the certificate has been granted, its validity period and other declaration details.
  • If the status of the case has changed, you should have received an email and a notification in the system about a possible request for supplementary information.

Creating templates

The PoUS system allows you to download and reuse templates, which can also be edited before reuse. The European Commission has produced a guide describing how to use this feature.

Please note that you will need an XML editor, such as Notepad++, to use this feature.

Guide to creating templates Pdf, 1 MB.

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