
Future customs procedures

Guide for presentation notification at the customs office of exit (IE507)

This guide can be used when filing the ‘Presentation notification at the customs office of exit’ (IE507) message in the updated export system, AES, which will be introduced during Q4 2024

Information where a data element number is indicated in the header (e.g., 12 12 000 000) corresponds to this data element in the export declaration.

Provide the following information:

Declaration and Goods shipment


Enter the MRN corresponding to the export declaration or re-export declaration for the goods to be presented at the customs office of exit.

Arrival notification date and time

Enter the date and hour of arrival at the place of export, unless this is registered by your system.

Arrival notification place

This information is optional. Enter the name of the place.

Storing flag

Indicate if the goods have been stored prior to their removal.

  • 0= No
  • 1= Yes

Currently, only ´0´ should be used.

Discrepancies exist

Indicate any discrepancies from the information in the export declaration.

Use the number ´0 ´ if there are no discrepancies and ´1 ´if there are discrepancies.


Authorisation – 12 12 000 000

This information is optional. Enter any authorisation in accordance with Annex A of the Delegated Regulation, that are required in support of the declaration, for example Simplified declaration (SDE) or Outward processing (OPO).

The authorisation should belong to the declarant in the export declaration.

Enter the following information:

  • Type – 12 12 002 000
    Enter the applicable code, e.g., C626, for Binding Tariff Information (B.T.I.).

  • Reference number – 12 12 001 000
    Enter the reference number of the authorisation. All common EU authorisations issued in Sweden begin with 'SE', followed by the name of the authorisation.

  • Holder of authorisation – 12 12 080 000
    Enter the EORI number of the holder of the authorisation, if the authorisation applies to Binding Tariff Information (B.T.I.).


Customs office of exit (Actual)

Customs office of exit – 17 01 000 000

Using the relevant Union code, enter the customs office at which the goods are to leave the customs territory of the Union.

The customs office of exit should be the competent customs office for the location where the goods will leave the customs territory of the Union for a foreign destination.

Use a code to indicate the customs office of exit. The code consists of eight characters. The first two characters consist of the country code. The subsequent six characters indicate the relevant customs office.

The EU:s list customs offices

All country codes are collected in the EU:s list of customs offices, where you can filter results by country and role (EXT – Office of Exit).

The EU:s list of customs offices.

Removal by sea

If the goods are removed from a port in Sweden, please use the table below to identify the correct customs office of exit.

Please note that the table only shows the customs office of exit when the goods leave the customs territory of the Union from a Swedish port.

Other customs offices of exit can be found in the EU:s list of customs offices (see above).

Codes for data element 17 01 000 000 (only Swedish ports).

Swedish ports

Customs office of exit


Counties of Uppsala, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten



Counties of Kalmar, Gotland, Östergötland (excluding the port of Norrköping), Södermanland and Stockholm



Port of Norrköping



Counties of Skåne and Blekinge



Counties of Halland and Västra Götaland



Removal form an airport

If the goods are removed from a airport in Sweden, please use the table below to identify the correct customs office of exit.

Codes for dataelement 17 01 000 000 (only Swedish airports).

Swedish airports

Customs office of exit


Arlanda airport and airports in the counties of Uppsala, Västmanland, Örebro, Värmland, Dalarna, Gävleborg, Jämtland, Västernorrland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten



Airports in the counties of Kalmar, Gotland, Östergötland, Södermanland and Stockholm



Airports in the counties of Skåne, Blekinge and Kronoberg



Airports in the counties of Halland, Västra Götaland and Jönköping




Removal to Norway by road

Codes for dataelement 17 01 000 000 (land border to Norway).

Customs office of exit


Eda customs office


Storlien customs office


Svinesund customs office


Tärnaby customs office


Idre customs office


Björnfjell customs office


Junkerdal customs office


Vauldalen customs office


Åsnes customs office


Örje customs office


Östby customs office



Enter the following information:

  • Reference number – 17 01 001 000
    Enter the reference number of the customs office.

Exit carrier

If exit carrier and the declarant are not the same person, please provide the following information:

  • Identification number
    Enter the carriers Eori and TCUIN-nummer.

  • Name
    Enter the name of the carrier. Only applicable when an EORI number has not been provided.
  • Address
    Enter the address of the carrier. Only applicable when an Eori number has not been provided.

    • Street address
      Enter the street and, where applicable, house number.

    • Country
      Enter the country code.

    • Postcode
      Enter the postcode.

    • City
      Enter the city.

  • Contact person
    Here you may provide contact information for the exit carrier. This information is optional, but we recommend that you provide this information, as current contact information may facilitate the expedient processing of your case. Remember to provide a name, telephone number and e‑mail address.

Location of goods – 16 15 000 000

Enter the location where your goods will be declared and available for inspection.

If the goods are located at an approved location, provide the following information:

  • Type of location: C
  • Qualifier of identification: X
  • Economic operator: Eori-number
  • Location identifier: Location code

Enter the following information when the goods are located in a designated location (customs office):

  • Type of location: A
  • Qualifier of identification: V
  • Location identifier: Customs office identifier

If you hold an operating authorisation, indicate the location as follows:

  • Type of location: A
  • Qualifier of identification: X
  • Economic operator: Eori number of the holder of the operating authorisation
  • Location identifier: Location code

Enter the following information:

  • Type of location – 16 15 045 000
    Enter location type:
    Codes for data element 16 15 045 000 – Type of location




    Designated location


    Authorised place

  • Qualifier of identification – 16 15 046 000
    Enter a code to identify the location. The following codes are applicable:
    Codes for data element 16 15 046 000 – Qualifier of identification




    Customs office


    Eori number

  • Economic operator – 16 15 051 017
    Provide the EORI number of the holder of the approved place of removal authorisation.
  • Additional identifier – 16 15 053 000
    Provide the location code of the holder of the approved place of removal authorisation (location of goods code).


Mode of transport at the border – 19 03 000 000

When reporting discrepancies, enter the code for the mode of transport that corresponds to the active mode or transportation used when crossing the external frontier of the Union.

The following codes are applicable:

Mode of transport codes for data element 19 03 000 000 – ´Mode of Transport at the border´




Maritime transport


Rail traffic


Road traffic


Air transport


Postal traffic


Transport by fixed transport installations (only applicable to goods with TARIC codes 2201, 2709, 2710, 2711, 2716 and 2804)


Transport by inland waterways


Other means of transport (private mode of transport)

Reference number UCR – 12 08 000 000

This is a voluntary data element where you may enter your own Unique Commercial Reference (UCR) number.

This information may be entered either on the level of the declaration header or the goods item level, but only in situations with discrepancies. File this information at declaration header level if it applies to all goods items in the declaration.

Transport document – 12 05 000 000

This data element contains a reference to the transport document and information about the type of transport document. This information is mandatory in situations with discrepancies. In all other cases, this information should not be included.

Enter the following information:

  • Reference number – 12 05 001 000
    Enter the reference number of the transport document.
  • Type – 12 05 002 000
    Indicate the transport document type using the code list in the Reference data online service.

    Browse the code list in Reference data.

Transport equipment – 19 07 000 000

When reporting discrepancies, indicate all container numbers included in the declaration.

Note that the word ‘container’ includes semi-trailers, swap bodies and containers intended for air freight.

Indicate which goods items are contained in each respective container.

Enter the following information:

  • Container identification number – 19 07 063 000
    Here you enter the any container numbers included in the declaration.

    Special characters other than space and dash cannot be used.

  • Goods reference – 19 07 044 000
    Enter the goods item post belonging to the specific container number in data element 19 07 063 000. Omit this information if there is only one container.

Seal – 19 10 000 000

Provide information if there is a seal, indicating the number of seals in data element 19 10 068 000 and identifiers in data element 19 10 015 000.

Enter the following information:

  • Number of seals – 19 10 068 000
    Indicate number of seals.

  • Identifier – 19 10 015 000
    Enter the unique seal identifier.

Declaration goods item

This information is only provided in situations with discrepancies, i.e., if the information deviates from data filed in the export declaration.

Declaration goods item number – 11 03 000 000

The goods items are numbered sequentially in accordance with the export declaration. Start from '1' for the first item and increase the numbering by '1' for each following item.

Net mass - 18 01 000 000

This information is only filed at the goods item level and only in situations with discrepancies.

Enter the net mass of your goods in kilograms. The unit 'kg' should not be indicated. The net mass indicates the goods' mass without any packaging.

When the net mass exceeds 1 kg and includes a fraction of a kg, it may be rounded as follows:

  • Between 0,001 and 0,499 kg: downwords (to the closest whole kg)
  • Between 0,5 and 0,999 kg: Upwards (to the closest whole kg).

We recommend that any net mass exceeding 1 kg be rounded to the closest integer. When the net mass is less than 1 kg, it may be provided with up six decimal points.

Gross mass – 18 04 000 000

This information is only filed at the goods item level and only in situations with discrepancies.

Enter the gross mass of the goods in kilograms.

The gross mass is the total mass of the goods, including any packaging, but excluding containers and any other transport equipment.

  • When the gross mass exceed 1 kg and includes a fraction of a kg, it may be rounded as follows:
    • Between 0,001 and 0,499 kg: downwards ( to the closest whole kg)
    • Between 0,5 and 0,999 kg: upwards ( to the closest whole kg).
  • When the gross mass is less than 1 kilo it should be written with up to six decimals, for example 0.123 kg for 123 grams or 0.000654 for a package weighing 654 mg.
  • Provide the information for each goods item, except in cases where the goods are packaged in a manner that makes the determination of the gross mass impossible on the goods item level. In such cases, the gross mass of the entire consignment may be entered at the level of the declaration header.

Gross mass entered at the declaration header level should have the same mass or higher than the sum of all goods items.

Packaging – 18 06 000 000

This information is only filed at the goods item level and only in situations with discrepancies.

This is where you should enter information about the type of packages, number of packages and their shipping marks.

  • Sequence number
    Identifying the sequence numbers where discrepancies occur.
  • Type of packages – 18 06 003 000
    Enter the code that corresponds to your type of package, e.g. boxes. Packaging codes can be found in the Reference data online service.

    Browse the code list in Reference data.

  • Number of packages – 18 06 004 000
    Enter the number of packages for packaged goods and number of parts for unpackaged goods.
    • If you entered VG, VL, VO, VQ, VR, VS or VY as the type of package for bulk goods, this data element should be left empty.
    • You may never enter 0 in this data element if your type of package was NE, NF or NG for unpackaged goods.
  • Shipping marks 18 06 054 000
    Enter how the goods packages are labelled. This information is mandatory for packaged goods, but optional for bulk goods and unpackaged goods.

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